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Kya felt a range of emotions, the most prominent being guilt. Her mama finally managed to rest her eyes after a long night. Austin bearing able to blink incase he missed something, the both of them just staring at this tiny being sleeping soundly in front of them.

Summertime Kaidence Kyra Brown, she called her. And she was perfect! Almost entirely filling the whole in Kyanna's heart. She entered peacefully into this world, submerged into a warm bath, a quiet environment just as Kya had asked for. Summertime even had to be prodded and poked to let out a noise, she was at peace with her transition into this earth, just how Kya had envisioned it. As soon as her presence was made, she brought this array of summertime with her. All those witnessing her birth were in total awe before they celebrated, internally be it. But she definitely brought that same feeling Kya had to Kaiden.

Kya and Summer were moved to a room as soon as they were ready, Kya being left to her own devices per the policy of the birthing place

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Kya and Summer were moved to a room as soon as they were ready, Kya being left to her own devices per the policy of the birthing place. Kya wanted a less hospital vibe to her birth, opting for paying a small fortune for a more intimate birthing. The midwifes left everything down to the expecting mama, going to great lengths to provide the ideal birth, unique to each mother. Summertime's birth was well thought out and planned, partially swayed by Kya witnessing Basel's birth, which caused her to instantly regret allowing herself to get into this position.

Summer's bluey green eyes opened. Her long lashes, inherited from her daddy, blinked open. Her perfectly formed heart shaped lips stretched out to an adorable yawn, before she scanned her environment. Those greeny blue eyes going just slightly cross-eyed as she tried to focus on her mama, who was too far away for her tiny vision. Kya beamed, instantly bursting into tears at the breathtaking sight that was her baby girl. Austin couldn't help but blub too as he finally saw a genuinely real emotion from his best friend.

Kya scooped Summertime up before she had the chance to make a sound. She didn't want to wake her mama who had been up the whole night with her. Instinctively she pulled her baby close enough to feed from her, although she was initially anxious she wouldn't know what to do with Summer, and knew that the midwives would leave her in privacy. She surprisingly had a handle on everything, her instincts taking over so there was no need to ask for assistance.

"...And you were worried you couldn't care for her!" Austin beamed brightly as he wiped the tears from his eyes and face. Kya groaned, her eyes rolling.

"Clearly were both surprised!" She smiled down at her baby.

"Is she everything you expected?" Austin asked in a hushed tone.

"More! She looks unreal, everything I pictured but not..." Kya was honestly in awe of her creation, convinced that Jah had hand carved this angel just for her.

"You look very natural with her." Austin added as Kya beamed, not knowing that that was exactly what she needed to hear.

"Thank you..." She whispered not sure if it registered with Austin's ears as it only just about did with hers. "Born on her daddy's birthday... Almost exactly to the hour too"

Austin stayed silent for a moment, or so Kya thought. As she turned to look at her friend, he was passed out in the chair beside her. Only Summer and Kya were awake.

"Oh if only your Daddy were hear to see you..." Kya muttered to herself amongst the tears as her finger ran gently across her daughters freckles, not wanting to rub away the perfectly formed freckles.  "Summertime Kaidence Kyra Brown... A fitting name for you my little piece of summertime." Kya kissed her forehead ever so gently as a midwife crept in.

"Good morning Kyanna, sorry to intrude! Would you like me to come back?" The midwife whispered, per request of Kya. Kya shook her head as she welcomed the nurse with a smile.

"Kya, is fine- for me..." she fumbled over her wordsas the widwife perched at the end of the bed.

"Of course, now Kya does baby girl Fenty have a name?" She asked, document and pen at the ready.

"Mhm. Summertime Kaidence Kyra Brown." Kya beamed as she proudly announced the name she had picked out for her baby girl, feeling as if Kaiden were here he would be just as proud of the name.

"What a beautiful name! I don't mean to pry but how did you come up with it?" The nurse asked as Kya looked back at her. Explaining the names and their meanings. Summertime being from Kaiden's nickname for her, Kaidence after her daddy and Kyra being after her mama with a slight change.

The midwife conducted a few tests before it was time to wake the grandmother and uncle of the new arrival and make their way home.

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