Chapter 8

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"Well, you did find HER. But who are they?" he points to David and Daniel. Cactus shrugs. He looks toward Rose for the answer.

"Minions." She shrugs like her brother.

"Hey! We're not minions... exactly."

"Umm. We kind of are."

"Exactly. Where was she?" he looks again to Cactus who again shrugs, but answers anyway.

"Eh. Just, places."

"Grown up a little since I last saw you. You know it is a custom to bow before the king. Something your father forced."

"Yes, he did." She nods. "But HE was actually royalty. The only reason you are on that throne is because I decided... Never mind. Your tiny brain couldn't even begin to understand. I could kick you off now if I wanted too." She starts to lower her hands, then puts them back up again when Cactus pokes her. "What made you start trying to find me again?"

"We never stopped. One reason is you poisoning our realm of happiness with foul nightmares." Zebulun leans forward in the throne,

"Oh! Yes, I did! Thank you for noticing! And as long as I am in this tree, they might become reality! Some of them anyways. Let's see. What is one I hit you with... hmm. Oh, yes! A Demon suddenly coming out of nowhere and snatching your precious "Royalty". Would you like to see the demon? If you say yeah, just ask." Ebony waves a hand, and waits for the answer she knows is coming.

"No!" comes from everyone, the king and queen included. Ebony laughs, and swings around, grabbing the gun from Cactus hands, turning so that she is in the back, and points it at his arm where she can see a small beak poking out from under the sleeve. Desert Rose gasps and takes a step toward her twin. Ebony takes a step back, taking Cactus with her. Rose pulls out her gun and shoots at Ebony, aiming for her shoulder, but hitting her right arm. Luckily, for Ebony, She has no animals on that arm. Ebony looks down at her arm, then back at Rose.

"You shot me!"

"I didn't mean too! Actually yes I did." Ebony looks down at a now blurry Cactus. Rose follows, and instant regret.

"Well," Ebony says quietly. "Revenge." Then she shoots getting Cactuses Bird in the neck. Then, they, Cactus ad Ebony, sink slowly to the floor. Ebony shot Cactus with a kind of sleeping thing, and Rose shot Ebony with the same thing, Cactus falls instantly asleep, while Ebony does not.

Ebony wakes up a few times, she tries to sit up all of these times but gets pushed back down all of them. Then, when she's finally happy sleeping, she is shaken gently awake.

"Ebony. Wake up please." Ebony sighs and lies there, not wanting to commit to being awake. "Ebony, get up please." She lies there trying to identify the voice. A light shines in her eyes and she tries to bring her hands up to block it. They come up a little, then stop. Chains... so original.

"You're sure that worked? I mean..."

"Mean what, Zebulun?"

"It's just..."

"It worked for all her uncles."

"Except Crimson, Aisling. It didn't work for Midnight either. And what did they do when we thought it worked, but it really didn't? Created a blood moon!" he does something and the bed or whatever she's on swings like a hammock.

"Yes... But."
"But what? And you know trying to wipe someone's mind can have unwanted side effects. Like they could only become stronger, or they could..." Oh! Ebony thinks,

"Yes, I know dear husband." Aisling interrupts him. "But did any of that happen to any of the rest of the Fallen? NO!"

"But if any of it happened to her, what are we going to do?"

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