Chapter 53

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"Was that you, Ebony?" Dawn Mist asks.

"Yes, Uncle. That was me."

"Shush so I can listen."

"Yes father. There I am."





"Shut up!" he glares at her.

"Hey Mother?" Alette calls to her mother and looks for the source of the mad laughter.

"Yes, my dear?"

"Who is that?"

"I guess we'll see when they get up front."

"Fine." She hands a ring to Kori, who looks interested and shoves it into one of his pockets, smiling at the jingle that comes out of it.

"Now I see how much Kori took. I didn't even care back then!" Alette laughs. They watch as Ebony gets closer to Alette. They watch the policeman behind her, shake her slightly, when she starts laughing again. She hisses at him. Ebony watches David exit the through the back door. Alette holds out a hand to grab whatever Ebony has for her. Ebony looks down her nose at the girl sitting in front of her with disgust. She looks at Kori and smiles, then looks back at Alette.

"Well? Do I get something of not?"

"Listen, Barbie-" Ebony get flicked by the police guy. "If that's how you're going to talk, then I'm not interested in giving her up. You wouldn't want it either."


"It's pretty. To me." Flicked again. She hissed at him at flicks him back. He smiles and pats her head, turning it back to Alette. She sighs and rolls her eyes. She sees Alette getting frustrated and giggles madly. Alette pulls back slightly. "Here, Spoiled." She hands Alette a small carved wooden canary bird. It's not painted but is carved with such detail and polished so much that it looks real enough. Its beak is opened in song and its head is turned upward. "If you don't want it. Give it back." She snatches the bird from Alette.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly want it back. Give it." Alette frowns.

"Hmm. This once. Next time you'll have to speak nicer to me." Ebony gives it back and waits.


"And now I'll leave." She and the police guy walk out. Ebony pauses, whispering something to Kori. His face gets red and she smiles and laughs. Then she leaves.

"I still haven't figured out what that was for." Alette looks at Ebony.

Ebony shrugs. "You destroyed the thing that would have triggered it. The one time I try to be nice to someone."

They watch the line speeding up, Ebony going through it again and again and again and again. Each time handing Alette a different wooden animal. A dog, then a bunny, then a little wasp, then a cat, then a parrot. Then it slows down and they watch Ebony come up again. Alette looks at Kori, who is still the only sibling with her, even her mother and father are not there. They whisper somethings to each other. Ebony stands there, hiding whatever she has from them.

"Well come on!" Alette frowns.

"Fine. But this is my last one. I have nothing else to give you. So, don't expect me back."

"Hmm." Kori looks disappointed.

Ebony smiles. "Okay, give it to me." Alette says impatiently.

"Here. Stupid spoiled..." Ebony struggles with herself not to punch Alette. Then hisses and hands her something. She walks out. Kori looks around and follows her.

"You know how much unwanted attention those animals got me?"

"Nonsense! I was helping you! Yes I made them so that you would get attention. Attention I thought you wanted. Did you recognize me when I first got there?"



"Why did Kori follow you, Daughter?"


"Let's go. Take us to where you are right now."

"Fine. But Alette has to stay here." Ebony frowns at Alette.

"Fine. Stay here Alette."

"Alright, hurry though please."

"I don't know if I can by what happened right now. I don't remember how fast this goes." Ebony sighs, leading them out of the kitchen, out the back door, and into the back yard. "We're somewhere with the animals... no. we're... right there!" she walks over to the back of the yard, past the petting zoo and to the fence.

There's Kori and Ebony. Kori is begging Ebony not to leave. Ebony is looking around, expecting someone to come find them. "Please please please, Ebony? Please?"

"No. I have to leave. I don't like it here. Besides I hate your sister. You're okay, but all of your sisters are just." She shakes her head. "No. I have to leave."

"But Whhhyyyyyyyy?"

"I just told you the reasons. And I don't like snow. I want to go somewhere that I feel comfortable torturing people. So NOT here."

"Torturing people?" He looks horrified.

"Yes." She pats him on the head sympathetically. "Poor innocent, Kori. Yes. Besides. I don't like Fern either. Why does she keep showing up at my house? I don't know but I hate it. So I'm leaving. And she will not find me. Unless I want her to."

"Please Stay? Please? Please? Please? Please?"

"No. but... you can come visit. I guess."

"And you won't tell anyone about what we've done. Ever?"

"Never ever. Don't worry about it. I won't tell. Now. I'm leaving in a week. If you tell that to anyone you will hurt for it. I'm not worried though. You'll be fine. You know half my secrets and you haven't told them yet... right?"

"Of course not."

"Good." She laughs. Then she leans over and kisses him on the lips. Then whispers. "Bye." Then she's gone. Kori howls something, then runs back inside.

"That was... what have you done with him, Ebony?" Fern asks.

"Didn't you just hear me tell him that I wouldn't tell anyone ever? I'm not telling you. Let's go and get Alette."

"And you kissed him!"

"Yes, uncle Frost. I kissed him. I wouldn't do that now. But I liked him."

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