Chapter 56

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"Remember when Uncle Ash was blind?" She sees Ash wince. "oops, he heard me." She feels bad. Then shrugs. "With the flower clearing?"

"Yeessss. Yes, I do."

"That's where I was thinking of taking them."


"I don't know. I just was. No real reason."

"Oh. Okay."

"Yes. Should I take them?" Ebony closes her eyes and rocks on her feet, waiting for Venom's reply.

"Take us where?" all of them ask, gathering around her.

"Don't worry about it." Ebony sighs.

Ash comes up and whispers something to her, no one else hears. "Should we take them to our hide out?" Ebony stops and turns to look at him.

"That was what I was thinking about. Does that sound like a yes to you, Venom?"

"Yes." Venom laughs.

"Okay." Ebony sighs. "Let's go. Do you know where it is from here, Uncle?"

"Yes." He smiles. "I visit it when I was thinking about you. Or when I needed to be alone. With you gone, there's not some many flowers, but still enough."

"Let's go then!" Irene steps aside to let Ash through to the front of the group.

He shakes his head and turns toward another direction. "This way." He starts running and they follow.

Ebony walks slower. "Hmm. Stupid." She smiles.

"Ebony. Why are we here?"

"Where? As in here?" She points too the ground. "Or as in here in this world in general?"

"All of it. We were happy in the exile world."

"We're here here because they dragged me out here. And this world because... I thought it was time to come back."


"I wanted to look for my family. Again."

"But you knew they were dead. So why would you want to come back?"

"As it turns out they're alive, so it's a good thing we came back. We could have easily killed those two pathetic fairies' in my basement. But we came back and it was good."

"Who are you talking too?" Iola asks, listening to their conversation, walking back to pull her along to the main... pack.

"Well... my snake."

"You talk to a snake?" Hannah says.

"Yes. Yes I do."

"How do you do that? How can you understand her?"

"I just... can."

"What's your snakes name?"



"Where are David and Daniel, Ebony?" Venom asks.

"Talking with my father."

"You're sure that's such a good idea, Ebony?" Venom asks.

Ebony looks back in the general direction of her father's house and shakes her head. "No. I'm not sure at all." She sighs. "Anything else you would like to know?"

"Ebony, you never answered my question." Irene says. "How do you talk to her?"

"It's just one of my things. I don't know. I just don't know Irene."

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