Chapter 15

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 "Ah! There you are." Zebulun calls to them as they walk over to the rock, He Aisling and Ethelendra are sitting on.

"You wanted us?" Star asks.

"yes. I did. I want you to take Ebony and find Holden."

"What?" Star looks at Ebony, then back at Zebulun. "With her?"

"Yes. Shoo. Go on."

"Fine." Star turns to leave.

"Fine?" He grabs her arm and pulls her back. "Fine, what?"

"Fine... My king."

"Better. Now you may go."


"Umm. What exactly did we just get told to do?" Ebony asks as they walk away. "Where are we going?" she stops, and they stop. "Tell me now."

"No. you'll figure it out," Zebulun tells her.

"At least tell me who whats his face is."

"Who? Holden? Not much to tell you." Ethelendra shrugs.

"At least tell me what he looks like."

"We'll tell you on the way." Stella pulls her arm.

Ebony shakes her head and sighs, walking with them. "Why?"

"Best not to get on their nerves. The king gets upset really quickly."

"Was her upset just now?"

"No, that was his in the middle side."

"Psh. Dealt with worse than that. Who's this Holden guy? What does he look like? Why do we have to find him?" She sighs again. "So where are we going?" both the sisters shrug. "Well, that's helpful."

"This way and that I guess."

"Hmm. Alright. But I-" she gets interrupted by Venom.

"Ebony? Will you stop bumping up and down so much?"

"I do what I want!"

"Yeah, we noticed!" Stella laughs. "Holden is a dangerous prisoner. He escaped from our "dungeon". It is our fault that he escaped and our responsibility to bring him back." Stella explains.

"Oh. Okay." They walk a little more in silence. "I'm remembering something. Why were you fighting people earlier?"

"Well, you see..." Star pauses to think. "We," she points to herself and Stella, "Are the king's guards. The top ones. We made a mistake. And after we make a certain number of mistakes, our..."

"What mistake?" she asks after Star can't think of anything to say for a couple of moments.

"Noth-" Star starts to say when she's interrupted by Stella

"We accidentally allowed Holden to escape from the castle. Then we didn't catch him. that was our se-" Stella hits Stars hand away from her mouth. "Ahem. That was our second mistake. The king's guards or the chihuahua guards is the actual name, get two mistakes before they can get challenged for the job. If we get defeated by others, our place can get stolen. Or if they don't kill us our-" there's some noise that interrupts her. "What was that?" She looks around. There's a flash of gray in the bushes ahead of them. Bushes that are as tall as they are.

"Sister. You go that way; I'll go this way. Ebony, you check that way." Star points in three opposite directions, pointing Ebony in the direction they came from.

Ebony waits to look offendedly at Venom till after they leave and are out of sight. "They think I'm an idiot!"

"How so? I thought everyone thought that."

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