Chapter 30

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"I'm not sure I..." She looks behind her to the door.

"Come on, Ebony!"

Ebony takes a step forward, then another. "Venom stop it! I don't want to!"

"Venom? Who's Venom? What's Venom?" Frost asks.

"My annoying-"

"Ebony." Venom warns, stopping Ebony.

"Okay, sorry. My helpful..." She waits for Venom to get upset. "My helpful, sometimes-" Venom Hisses. "My lovely Snake." She stands in front to f her father. She tries to take a step back. "Come on Venom."

"Your snake? You named it?" Crimson leans forward.

"Not exactly."

"How can you not exactly name something?" Midnight growls.

"I didn't name her. Technically."

"Who did?"


"Did you approve the name? What are you doing?" Ebony sits down, looking bored and waits for Venom to let her up. "What are you doing?" Crimson repeats.

"Let me up Venom." Venom says something and Ebony sighs. "Let me up, Venom." She says again. "Nope. I'm stuck. I can still talk to you though."

"What do you mean you're stuck? You have legs." Crimson reaches out a foot to her.

"I wouldn't do that. No telling what I'll do. Venom, you didn't even let me finish what I was going to say. You aren't even being nice."

"Nonsense! I'm helping you!" Venom laughs.

"And how, may I ask. Are you helping me?"

"You talk to it?" Midnight asks, kicking Crimsons foot away from his daughter.

"We talk, yeah. You couldn't, even if you tired to talk with Venom or Chaos. Or Mayhem." She adds quickly when Crimson starts looking offended that his snakes name was not on the list. "I-"

Venom interrupts. "I want to eat!" Venom bangs Ebony's right fist onto the ground. Hard.

"yowch, Honey! That hurts me!"

"I didn't feel it."

"Lame excuse! Anyway. Back to what I was saying. Before Venom interrupted me. They can only say the words you can say or know." Venom bangs her hand again. "Yowch. I would not advise you to talk to them either. You have no idea what kinds of things they've said about you. I know this because-"

"Don't tell them that!" Venom says, interrupting again.

"Why not? I can tell them what I want!" Ebony smiles.

Venom lets her grip on Ebony go. "Horrible human." She grumbles.

"Ahem, you aren't allowed to call me that anymore. But I might accept Fantastic fairy. Might let me remind you."


"Thank you." Ebony stands. "I can still feel you."

"Drat." Venom releases her all together.

"Thanks again." She smiles. "What are y'all doing?"

"You have a lot of problems."

"Yes. A lot of problems. I learn to live with them though. If you want to live, then you live with it." She shrugs. Holden hands her a stack of cards. All her family closes their eyes. "What are they doing?" She looks over the pictures of eyes. "Great thanks. What am I supposed to do with these?"

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