Chapter 22

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 "Really? Okay. "Star shrugs. "I'm sure you will."

"So am I." Ebony frowns. "What else is wrong with me?" She looks down at herself again.

"You need to change your clothes." Stella frowns.

"No. I don't have anything to change into besides." Ebony frowns back, looking at the door as someone else knocks. "What?" She swings it open, glaring at the guy who was here earlier to bother her. "What do you want?"

"Sorry, Miss." He shrugs. "Ethelendra sent me to drag you into the throne room if I had too. I would much rather you just come with me though." He smiles at her. then looks nervous as she continues to glare at him.

"Miss." She rolls her eyes and smiles at him. "Fine then..." She looks back at Stella and Star before actually closing the door behind her. "Let's go." She sighs.

"Hurry up, Miss!" He starts walking faster, leaving behind the slow walking Ebony.

"Hmm." She walks a little faster, keeping up with him. "What's your name?" She looks over at him.

He's still smiling, he doesn't look over, but answers her anyway. "Chase." He replies. "My name is Chase. My sister is Hope. We're not twins like most fairies are. Nope! Not us. We're two years apart. I'm older than her. Mother says that she's glad we aren't twins though. I don't know why, but ehh."

"I know why, probably." Ebony whispers.

"Why? If I may ask, of course."

"You can ask all you like, but if I'll answer it is the question. I only asked for your name you know. Not you're whole life."

He frowns, thinking about that. "Sorry, Miss." Then he smiles again, ignoring that she just told him to stop, he continues telling him all the rest of his extended family's names. "Uncle Michael and Aunt Bella... Cousin Rita and Cousin Carl..." He continues until he stops at the throne room.

One of the two guards at the door looks at him and shakes his head. "Are you bothering people, Chase?"

"No Father! She just-"

"I didn't do anything." Ebony shakes her head. "Nothing to deserve getting talked to."

"Do you not like being talked to?" The other, Ebony assumes must be Chases mother by the way he's looking about to run off.

"Not really. I mean, I'll survive if I do get talked to, but I don't LIKE it."

"They're all waiting for you." They open the doors, letting her into the room.

"Bye Miss!" Chase waves to her.

"Bye, Chase." She rolls her eyes to Aisling, who's smiling at them, and starts walking towards them. "Yes?" She asks.

"You're late." Zebulun frowns.

"Whoops. How was I supposed to know? Actually, what am I doing today?"

"Stand there." Zebulun points to a spot right next to his chair. Ebony stands next to the chair. "Yes. Right there."

"okay. What else?"

"talk when I talk to you, otherwise, keep your mouth shut and watch. Protect us if we need it, other wise you can just glare at everyone."

"Great!" she smiles. "I can do that! I do that all the time."

"I've noticed." Aisling smiles and sits, watching both of her family members follow her.

"I'll just stand ere then... until my legs get tired, then I'm going to sit."

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