Chapter 27

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"Why would you want that thing?"

"Why wouldn't I want that thing? Whaka or nothing."

"But why would you want it?"

"What is this Whaka thing, Holden?" Midnight asks, looking at Holden.

"The frying pan."

"you have it?"

"I have it..."

"Go give it to her."

"Alright. But I'm not going near her."

"Your what?" Midnight frowns at him. He holds out his hand, pointing at Ebony. "Go give it to her." Holden takes a step toward her, then stops. He does this until he's only a step away from her. He pulls Whaka out of nowhere and tosses it to her. She catches it, then bangs it down to smash into his toes. But it misses. He runs back to Ebony's family, hiding behind her father. She crawls after him and does manage to whaka's his toes. Then crawls away again.

"Yowch! What was that for?"

"A lot of things." She grumbles to herself.

"Get up." Dawn Mist nudges her with his foot. "Violence isn't the way to solve every problem."

"When I was young, violence was definitely the way to solve every problem."


"er. Younger. I'm way not as old as some of you people. Now." She lets the things around her wrist drop. "Where are we going?" She twirls Whaka, then sticks it in her pocket. Or attempts too. Whaka slips out of her hands and she barely stops it from hitting the floor. She has to juggle it for a minute before getting a hold on it. She shoves it into the pocket. "I meant to do that. Nothing just happened."

"You did?" Crimson Smiles.

"You're sure nothing just happened?" Midnight smiles.

"Yes. I'm sure nothing just happened, and I meant to do that. Catch it anyway. Meant to catch it. Anyway! What's happening?"

"Sure... This way." Crimson points. They come to a big arena. The only thing Ebony can think about is the rodeo. Maple lets go of the girl's hand. "This is Aina. She'll show you what to do."

"Great! This is just what I wanted to do today. Much more interesting than Watching Holden's parents and wife all day." There's a shocked silence. Ebony smiles. "I bet I would be watching Alice too, except... oh wait. She's dead, isn't she?" She smiles wider. "I wonder if you would have told him to kill her if she had kids. Probably not. You would feel guilty, wouldn't you?" She clicks her tongue sympathetically. "Oh well. I mean. I guess I got to torture people at night, but that's not as fun as killing people. Or crying about something like... My Mother?"

"Shut up." Midnight shoves her away from them.

"Aww. Poor Father. Still a touchy subject? Me too. What do you think, Baby?" She glances down at Venoms tattoo.

"I think that was kind of funny." Venom laughs.

"I'm glad."

"Hmm. Like I was saying, Aina will show you what to do." Crimson smiles very much upset, holding onto Midnights arm to stop him from trying to get at Ebony.

"Great! Th-" she stops. She can see something shiny around Aina's neck. A necklace. She narrows her eyes and looks at all her uncles' necks. "Like a vampire." She whispers. No. can't think about vampires. Like humans have rings, engagement rings, wedding rings etc. Fairy's have necklaces. If it has certain charms than that means certain things. Like a friendship necklace, "half a heart", or a glass heart filled with something important that is like than is the serious relationship. Ebony can't see anything besides that it's gold and it's a necklace. "Hmm." It's hidden halfway under her shirt. Ebony looks at Maple, but he turns right along with his siblings, and walks off to the other side of the arena.

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