Chapter 38

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"Why are you so upset?"

"You don't understand!"

"No. I don't. explain? What do I need to know?"

"Goodness." David runs his fingers through his hair and sits back down between Star and Daniel. "That smiles means there is a problem."

"Why?" All three of them ask.

"I'm about to say." David shushes them. "It means a few different things. 1: to ignore whatever she's just told you. Like when we were with your friends and she told them one thing, and told me the same. Then she smiled at me. Telling me to ignore it and do the opposite instead. 2: She's annoyed and or wants to stab something. Or kill it. Like a tiny rabbit." Seeing and hearing their shocked faces and noises, he smiles and nods. "I have had to buy her multiple for that reason. 3: she's hangry. 4: she wants to scare me and yes, that has happened too. More than once I'm afraid."

"Well... how do you know which one it is?" David looks at him confused. "What I mean is, how do you know which or the 4 choices it is that she's feeling?"

"Well, it's one of my..." He looks at Star and Stella. "it's one of my gift things that she's given me." He whispers to his brother.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Would I lie to you?" David frowns.

"Yes. She gives you gifts?" Daniel looks jealous.

"Yes, Daniel. and I'm sure you will get some too. Eventually. Once she finds out the truth about-"

"Okay, enough whispering." Star interrupts. "In our room you don't whisper. Say it out loud."

"Star." Ebony sits back up. "Is this your room? No. it's mine." David looks guilty and Stands up. He is the only one to notice the red in her eyes. Daniel doesn't look up at her, and Star looks defensive. Stella backs up.

"Partially." Star says.

"Yes. Partially. Do you know us? Them or me even? Not like I do. Let them whisper... if they must."

"Why?" Star frowns.

"Yes Ebony. Say it."

"Yes... Ebony." Star sighs, still frowning.

"Good! David?" He takes a step back, falling back onto the bed. "Good ideas. I'm going to let you go first, then your brother. Then next, I don't care." She shrugs. "Now talking. I wasn't hearing a lot of conversation." She lies back down, closing her eyes.

"Ebony?" David asks.

"What?" Ebony sits back up.

"When did you wake back up?"

She shrugs. "A minute ago. When Star started talking."

"Okay." David watches her. Daniel and Star start whispering. Stella joins them a second later.

"Hey David?"

"Hmm?" He answers, not looking away from Ebony.

"Come talk with us. Is she asleep yet?"

"Wait... wait... wait..." All of them stop talking, watching her with him. Ebony's mind shuts off and David echo's it with a "Nnnnoooowwww. Now she's asleep. What were y'all talking about here?" He sits, no longer worried about Ebony.

"How do you know she's asleep?" Daniel whispers, fearing to talk louder.

"Just do. Won't explain it. I just know. Listen. Hey Ebony!" He says loudly. They hold their breath, waiting for her to sit up again. "See?" He says after a minute, shrugging and smiling at them. "She's asleep."

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