Chapter 61

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"My father? This is Darrien? Hmm. Fine. You get this shoulder. You get this one." She walks into the house. "Hey look what I found-" she looks around the house. "Guys?"

"Ebony! They left!" Zana calls from the living room.


"Midnight couldn't stand it anymore, and Crimson was begging him to take them back. You might have been a bit hard on them, Ebony."

"Okay, lets go then! Hold on guys." Zana takes them back to the fairy world. They appear in the hallway in front of the right door right as her family walk in. "Hey!" She shouts at them. "You left me!"

"Oh. Hey Ebony. Looks like you found Darrien." Midnight winces as Darrien flaps his wings flys past them out the door.

"He left you something, Father." She holds up the piece of paper.

"What does it say?" her father tries to take it.

"I don't know. Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Ebony pulls the door shut with the black line as Omisha flaps towards it.

"I'm following my brother."

"What? Why?"

"He's my family."

"Fine. Only this once." She lets the door open.

"Thank you, Ebony." Omisha flies off.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"Can I have that, Ebony?" Midnight holds out a hand.

"You CAN, but will I give it with you?"

"May I have that please, Ebony?"

"Yes." Ebony hands it over. "Well? What does it say?"

"It says the dragon has moved and is currently on top of us." He sighs.

There's a crash from up above somewhere. "I guess so! Where's Daniel?"

"Go see, bring them here."

"I don't want to go! Send someone else."

"I'll go." Frost rolls his eyes. "Just to stay on your good side."

"Thank you." She laughs.

2 minutes later. "They won't let me in."


"Why not?"

"I told them to not let anyone in. Sorry, I forgot about that. Give me a minute." She stands in the hallway and yells at the top of her lungs. "MINIIIONNN!"

An answering "Right away Shouty!" The door slams open and David runs up, pulling Daniel. "Was that- Was that- Fast enough?" He pants.

"Yes." She smiles. "Come." She pushes them into the meeting room. What happened while I've been gone?"

"Well. A dragon has been watching us, through the window almost the whole time."

"How long?" Her father sighs.

"Long enough for us to try an' block it out." Daniel hands Ebony her bag.


"Hey. Why do they get to touch you and not get kicked across a room?" Web complains.

"I don't know. I've never thought about it before."


"Before we say anymore about the dragon situation. Maple. I think you've been silent long enough. I can see in your eyes you long to say something. I return your voice. Use it wisely." Her father leans over and touches Maples throat.

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