Chapter 41

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"Let's play again!" Star says enthusiastically.

"No. let's not. I don't want to." Daniel complains.

"I've got an idea." David explains. "Why don't we play go-fish. But this time, you're trying NOT to get matches. Whoever has the most matches at the end loses." They look interested.

"Let's try it."


"I'm going to read my book." Ebony tells them, pulling it out of the bag. "So be quieter please."

"Okay Ebony... you know what Ebony?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I've heard you please and thank you more times today then since your whole life?"

"So, you really care?"

"Well, I'm concerned for your brain."

"I'm reading my book. Leave me alone." She pulls out Ferns mini-on and puts the book back. She wanted her to do something. But now she can't remember. She shoves it back and sighs.

"Do you care how late we stay up?" Daniel asks.

"Yes and no. I do and I don't."

"Alright, well sleep after this game. Don't know how long this will take."

"I know that's why I say after this game." She says, closing her eyes and sleeps for ten minutes.

"Hey Ebony." David shakes her awake.

"What do you want, Honey?" Ebony sighs. "I was sleeping."

"It's only been ten minutes can we play another game?"

"You already played one more than you said. One more and that's it."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now leave me alone."

"Yes ma'am." Daniel calls from the other beds.

"Hmm. Thanks comrade."


"Thanks Daniel."


"You're welcome. Now LEAVE ME ALONE!"


"I think I will." She sleeps again, this time not getting interrupted until David shakes her awake in the morning.

"Get up Ebony. You need to eat."

"I don't want to."

"You don't even have to get out of bed. We brought it in here!"

"Oh joy." She sighs and sits up.

"You'll enjoy it. I didn't make it though."

"What is it?"

"I had one of them take me to the human world. I brought you back cereal and half a gallon of milk. I'll get more if you want it."

"yeah!" She claps when he hands her a bowl full of rice crispy and strawberry's swimming in milk.

"I know how to get you to eat." David laughs. "Would you like some Daniel?"

"Yeah." He grabs the milk from his brother, then after he pours some himself, then offers it to Star and Stella. They enjoy it though they've never had it before now.

"Like it?" Ebony asks. "They both nods. "Hmm. Don't you already use human things?"

"WE do. But not everything. We take recipes. Not food. We take technology. And change it. But not all of it. We take ideas, mostly, and change them to suit us, and our surroundings." Stella explains.

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