Chapter 51

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"Yes Ebony?" Crimson looks up from petting Zillah once she stops dancing.

"What are we doing now?"

"We're waiting for everyone to get ready."

"We're doing what now?"

"We're waiting for everyone to get ready."

"What do we do to get ready? Is that what you're asking us?"


"We hold hands and look at the ceiling. Except you." Web tells her.

"Ahem." Crimson looks at Web.

"Sorry brother."

"Anyways! As web told us, we look at the ceiling and join hands. You won't. you'll see Zillah and Zia look at you. You must look into their eyes and wait. Got that?"

"I think so. If it's like a staring contest?"

"Yes and no."

"How no?"

"You're not allowed to breathe."

"Breathe? I've got to breathe!"

"No. no breathing. The only time well... one of the only times you are not allowed to breath is now. No breathing! Got that?"

"Ye Father."

"Good! Now we're all ready. Good. Hold hands. Ebony you in the middle. Stare at the ceiling like it's interesting everyone else."

"Oi." Ebony holds her breath and looks into the small staring demons' eyes. They make her stop thinking about the fact she can't breathe, and Zillah pushes her way out of Ebony's view. She sees a white house with blue and orange yellow details. She sees Alette as a teenager on a big bean bag in her living room with Ebony laughing in her face. She sees Alette try to cover up her wings, then get impatient with the itchy confinement and free them again. She sees a raven come to Alette's mother and give her a letter and fly's away. She sees the mother crying, then she and Alette's father pushing Alette through a portal to this world. Then Zia blinks and looks away from her. Ebony looks around the living room of the mansion Alette's parents live in.

"Breath Ebony." A quiet voice from one of the demons. "You may breathe and no worry." Ebony lets out her breath and Midnight hugs her.

"I knew you could do it!"

"Thanks." Ebony gasps.

"You were great!" Creek smiles. Maple gives her a thumbs up.

"We're in my house." Alette sighs. "When are we, that's the question here."

"When you were a baby." Ebony says.

"And how do you know?" Alette frowns.

"That." Ebony jerks her head toward the other side of the living room. In dances Alette's mother, holding the baby Alette.

"Clara!" Clara looks up from Alette and back to her husband. "Clara."

"Yes Eugene?"

"What are you doing with our child?" Eugene smiles, watching Clara sway with Alette in her arms.

"I'm dancing... Swaying. Whatever you want to call it! She's magnificent!"

"Yeah? Well, we've got two..." He pauses, thinking. "Kori, Charlie, Jessi. Three other children that want your attention. So, give me Alette and you go deal with the triplets." There's a clatter and squeaking then a huge crash! They can see glass and painted shards of something come flying through the air from a room down the hall. "Oh yeah. Kori is kind of having a tantrum. He missed you today. I think he thinks he saw me to much today."

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