Chapter 14

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"What do you remember?" she asks as she leads Ebony to the twin's room.

"They "fought" people. Then I guess I fell asleep or something."

Aisling nods satisfied. "That's right. You did."

"Oh No! Are they mad at me?"

"Oh no Honey, they want to get to know you?"


"They want you to teach them something."

Teach them what... Exactly?"

"I don't know. You'll have to figure that out. Yourself." She knocks on the door and it opens.

"Well hello, there Queen Aisling!" Stella greets, pulling Ebony inside. "You can have her back in an hour. Or two."

"Or until I need her?"

"Of course." Stella shuts the door, letting Ebony walk behind her.

"Hello, Ebony."

"Hello, Star."

"Will you teach us to Braid?"

"What will you give me back?"

"We can teach you to... I don't know. We'll think of that when we get there."

"Okay. I'll deal with it."

"Okay. What kind of pets do you have? would you like to sit down?"

"No, I'm fine... Well. On my right arm, I actually have nothing. On my left shoulder blade, I have a cat. A big one. On my just general back, I've got a bear. On my left shoulder blade, I've got a Wolf. Her name is Hanna. On my left arm, as you can see, I have a snake."

"What's its name?" Stella asks.

"It doesn't have one. Yet."

"Why not?"

"I just... Haven't. I'm not supposed to." She sighs. "Anyways. I have Laverna, I'm not going to tell you where. And Prince, next to her. they're both big dogs."

"How big?"

"Big enough that I'm not going to show you."

"oh. Okay."

"then on my right ankle, I actually have three pets, three dogs, Sweets Sugar, and Stick Um' up. Left leg... let's see... A squirrel. And a tree. Don't know how that got there! Umm... them I have a cat. Oh! I love him already! A Raven, it looks like. An eel... a weird Spider thing, I don't really like Spiders, but I guess I'll deal. A fire salamander, her name is Flame. I also have a chicken! I totally forgot about Rudy. Poor Rudy. Oh well. He's here." She taps her side. "I can call them out, just like you can."

"Yes. You have so many! How do you get that many? The limit here is two. Unless you're a Royal. Back to the Question."

"Umm. They just show up." Ebony shrugs.

"yeah? Really? That's it?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I'll spare you the gruesome details."

"Like... What?"

"I said I won't tell you." Ebony looks away nervously.

Stella shrugs. "Would you teach us to braid now if you won't tell us the other stuff?"

"Braid what?" Ebony looks around looking for something to have them braid.

"Your hair."

"What?" She looks at them shocked. "My hair?"

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