Chapter 55

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"Hmm. Of course, it is." Ebony laughs. "Of course, it is! Sometimes I do good things. Yep! But only sometimes."

"Ebony. I thought you would be doing good things now that you didn't have your family to boss you." Iola says, looking at Ebony curiously.

"Why does everyone think that?"

"Maybe because you LOOK like a nice person."

"look like a nice person? I look like a nice person? What about me makes me look like a nice person? Maybe just because I'm pretty you mean? I'm pretty, so obviously I'm a nice person. Oh my gosh, are you fairy's or humans? I am starting to think that your humans. You're not very smart. Do you get that often? You look like you get that often. Hmm. Me, I look like a nice person." She walks off, talking. "Stupid. I look like a nice person. And then you get vampires. Vampires are pretty. I hate vampires. I hate everyone. So why the stupid fricking heck am I here right now? I'll just leave. Me a nice pretty person. Today was a good day, then I thought it was a bad day, then it wasn't, well it bloody is now!" She yells at them.

"Now you've made her mad! Go apologize." She hears Ash say.

"I'm sorry!" Iola and Irene both yells.

"Prove it to me!" She yells. "Prove it to me you're sorry!"


She turns around a crazy smile on her face. "Let me... play with you for a day. Then I'll accept your apology."


"Let me toy with you for a day. It'll be fun."

"Don't trust her." Alette whispers, but Ebony hears her.

"That's right. But you should trust me because... I'm the nice one. No. I'm the one with... ooohhhh. That would be so much fun. But oh no, Father wouldn't like that. Neither would whoever the heck likes you. It would be fun for me though. Blood blood blood, your organs!" she starts running again.

"Ebony! Come back! Now."

"Fine! I'm still mad-the heck-at you people." She walks back. They just stand there. "Well start moving then!" Ebony starts herding them forward.

"wait stop! I found one." Ash has found a very pretty dark green vine.

"Really?" Hannah looks unimpressed.

"What? It's pretty to me. Go ahead. Take a picture of it!"

"What do you say?" Alette asks.

"Nothing... Please?" he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, Ash." Alette smiles. "Of course, it's pretty to you. Just to him I bet, too." She whispers to Mirabel.

"It's pretty to me too." Ebony says. "What?" She says when everyone, but Ash who is paying is full attention to the vine, looks at her and sighs.

"It's pretty." Ahs smiles, pushing the vine to find a small white flower on the opposite side. He frowns and pushes it back to where you can't see the flower. "Now take the picture.

"But... you can't see the flower." Irene says.

"I know." He nods. "That's the point. The vine is the focus, not the flower."

"But it's pretty!" Iola protests.

"It's just white." Ebony wrinkles her nose at Irene.

"And not pretty either." Ash adds.

"It is too." Mirabel frowns.

"Hey!" Ash sighs when Poppy turns the vine over and takes a quick picture of the flower. "Okay." He smiles when she takes another picture of the vine as well. "Yeah. Let me see!" Poppy shows him the picture she took. "nnn.... No." He frowns. taking the camera and takes the picture that he wants, more focused on a leaf then the actual vine.

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