Chapter 20

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In the kitchen, David somehow hears the sneeze and tries to exit the kitchen and get to Ebony. "I'm sorry sir," Reed says, "But we told Ebony we wouldn't let you out."


"Because... well-" Violet says nervously.

"Because well, what? Give me one good reason that I cannot get out."

"Well... because, you see, we wouldn't let Ebony in, so she told us not to let you out. Are you mad at us?" Reed asks

"Yes!" David tries to see Ebony from behind them, but she's not close enough to see. "Yes, of course, I'm mad at you! Now she's gone and created something while I'm not there. And I bet she planned it like this on purpose! Why would she do this? Oh, my heavenly days Ebony!"

"David! Come back!" Daniel calls.

"What?" David frowns, turning around.

"Come taste this! Its good food."

"Oh. Food!" David still looks worried, but less than he had earlier.

"What's the matter?" Zebulun, Aisling, and Ethelendra are being taken to where Ebony is at.

"Wait till we get there your highnesses." He says

"Are you telling ME to be patient?" The king asks.

"Yes." He nods. Then looks surprised at himself.

"Fine." Zebulun sees him look even more surprised when he hears his king say this. There are four people standing waiting for them. "Why are you all waiting around here? Don't you have anything better to do?"

"King Zebulun... today is most of our easy day. So, unfortunately, no. we don't have anything better to do."

"Oh fine. What's wrong here?"

"Honey," Aisling says, looking over his shoulder. "What's she holding?"

"How am I supposed to know?" he says crankily. They walk closer to see what she has.

"It looks like Star and Stella," Ethelendra says.

"Don't touch her!" Violet comes running up. "Don't touch her!"

"Why not?" Zebulun asks, Still grumpy. "Why should we listen to you?"

"What?" Violet stops and takes a step back, then continues forward. "What?"

"What what?"

"I'm here with a message from the oldest brother. He says, don't touch herm OR what she's holding. It will hurt her, it will hurt you, it will hurt him, and maybe his brother. Just don't touch them."

"Well. I guess we won't touch her then. Ethelendra. Thank you..."

"Violet." She tells him her name.

"Thank you, Violet. You may go please." She nods and walks back to the kitchen.

"Ethelendra glares at all of them. "Why can't we touch her? It's... Not..."

"Not what?" Aisling asks.

"Not what's supposed to happen."

"And what is supposed to happen?" Zebulun asks.

"Well, I don't know."

"Go on Ethelendra. If you're so sure that touching her is safe, go ahead."

"What?" Ethelendra doesn't look happy with this.

"Go ahead. Touch her."

"Fine?" Ethelendra puts her foot out but pauses before touching Ebony's leg.

"Touch me. I dare you." Ebony opens one of her eyes. Ethelendra jumps back. "That's what I thought."

"Oh! Were you awake this whole time?"


"How did you know that I planned to touch you?"

"I didn't. Venom did. She warned me."

"How could she do that?"

"You'll never know." Ebony stands, leaning against to wall and looks down at the two new mini-ons in her hands. "Hmm."

"What are those, Ebony?" Aisling asks curiously.

"Oh, these?" Ebony tosses one in the air, catching it. She smiles, hearing the minute squeak from Stella. "Nothing for you." She shakes her head.

"Can I see please?"

"Why? And isn't it MAY I see please?"

"I would like to see them please." Aisling holds out a hand, ignoring Ebony saying that.

"No. They're mine." Ebony holds them closer to her.

"Yes, but can I see them?"

"You see them right now. Just no touchy." Ebony holds them out for Aisling to see better.

"What are they?"

Ebony shrugs. "Something for me to... Remember people."

"So, they're just there?"

"Eh/" She shrugs again. "Pretty much, yeah."

"Why are you out here?"


"For what?"

Ebony shakes her head, looking at everyone. "Why are there some many people here? I'm not saying anymore until they leave."

"Go on. Back to whatever you were doing before you dragged me over here." All of them nod and leave. "What are you waiting for?"

"Them to let me in!" She bangs on the door.

"They won't let you in?"

"No. They won't. and I find it annoying."

"They should." He frowns. "Technically it's your room now. And everything that's in it. One of the things they did to twist my rules is that when you win, you get to own the people you defeat until you get defeated, then they go free and you're stuck in that position to the people that defeat you. I don't like it, but that's how it is. They know it too."

"Who'd they get the job from?" Ebony asks after a minute.

"Someone named Lyra. They let her go through. She was old and died soon after that." He looks down at the ground sadly. Then looks up and knocks on the door. No answer. A couple more knocks, then Ebony bangs on the door. Star opens it a crack.

"What?" She asks grumpily.

"Let us in," Zebulun says.

"Yes, your majesty." Star opens the door. Revealing... a very messy room.

"What happened in here?" Ebony asks, looking around.

"Sorry I didn't let you in earlier. We were trying to catch Harley and Rina."

"Eh." Ebony shrugs. "Hakuna Matata."

"What?" All of them look confused.

"It means- never mind. Don't worry about it." She was about to go full on singing mode for a second. That would not have been so good for me. Ebony shakes her head looking around the room again.

"Ebony?" Zebulun asks.

"Yes, Sir?"

He shakes his had after a minute. "Never mind."

"Ebony?" Stella calls.

Ebony looks around but doesn't see Stella. "Where'd you go?"

"Right here!" A hand pops up from the other side of the bed.

"Oh! Yes, Stella?"

"Will you help us clean up?" Her head peeks over, watching Ebony. Ebony's expression flashes to disgust the back again. "Please?"


"Thank You! You can leave now your majesty's. Thank you, Bye!" she waves at the leaving king, queen, and Ethelendra.

"Have fun." Ethelendra smiles and shuts the door behind them.

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