Chapter 36

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They walk in silence until Lizardling comes up with another question. "What does... The Darkling have to say?"

"I don't know. Ebony?" Frost gives her a sideways glance.

Ebony can tell Lizardling is very nervous. "I don't know either. I've... never had to think about it before. Really, I wouldn't care I don't think."

"Thank you, Darkling."

"You're welcome... I guess... Uncle Frost?" Ebony whispers.

"Hmm?" He says, not looking at her.

"How would you feel if I had some people I brought back to your place?"


"What if... they were people Holden said were not the best?"



"How many of them?"


"Wow, that's a lot. We would have to make more space. You would have to share your room."

"Just give them a shed or something. They'll be fine."

"We don't have any of those here, Ebony." Frost reminds.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." They walk in silence. Until they stop in front of the big tree. "This is me. I'll see you... later."

She starts walking, but Frost stops her. "You're just going to walk in?"

"Didn't you while you were stalking me?"

"Right... just. Be careful. I love you."


"What you don't believe me?"

"I don't trust ANYONE." She smiles. "Love you back I guess."


"Yep." She walks into the doorway. And she gets stopped. "What?"

The guard is obviously shocked to see her. "Miss, you've been gone for three or four days! They've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Oops. I guess I'll go let them know I'm back. Thank you for letting me know."

"Of course."

"Where should I go?"

"The Throne room."

"Good, thank you." Ebony walks in, skipping the line of people with problems, which seems to have doubled since she's been gone. She walks past everyone and into the room. "Hello People! I'm back! Did ya miss me?"

"Ebony! Where were you?" Zebulun asks.

"Let's say I was... catnapped. Or maybe dognapped is more suitable."

"Are you alright?"

"Who was it?"

"Did they hurt you?"

"Do you need something to eat?"

"Are you-"

"I'm fine. They were pretty chill. Not as expected, when I first got there, but I got what I went for."

"Do you need to sleep?" Aisling asks.

Ebony starts thinking. And suddenly feels really sad. "Yes..."

"Are you sad?" Ethelendra asks.

"Are you okay?"

"No... I'm not. Just... leave me alone. I'll be fine soon." She leaves.

"Ebony." Aisling stops her. "What happened? Why are you like this?"

"Nothing... it's not what happened. It's what it reminded me of. Memories, you know." She shuts the door. David and Daniel are surprised when she walks by the kitchen. Obviously, the room is empty because both Star and Stella are with Zebulun and Aisling. She dives on the bed and falls asleep. She woken up by the door closing.

"Hey Ebony." Stella nods when she sits up and smiles at them. "Close your eyes. We're going to change and then join you sleeping."


Ebony wakes back up in the morning by something getting put on the bed next to her.

"There you are, Ebony." Ebony opens an eye and sees food. She sits up, looking at the girls, who are sitting on their beds, watching her. She looks back at the bowl of oatmeal.

"Should I eat now?"

"I would. It's good."

"I'll try it then." She picks up the note, reading it in her head. It's from David ad Daniel.
Hey Ebony. We just want to know why you didn't take us with you. And were you even planning on it? If so, tell us when. Eat the food Ebony. Know you won't want to, but I am commanding you to eat the food. – David and Daniel.

"Who's it from?" Star asks.

"My friends."

"What'd they say?"

"Nosey Rosy?" Ebony trys to laugh, but it turns into coughing. "They were basically just asking me where I've been. And commanding me to eat."

"Did they feed you where you were? Was it good?"


"No what?"

"They didn't feed me."

Then eat my goodness Ebony!"


"No. eat now."

"But I-"

"Eat." Star points.

"Fine." Ebony growls.

"Good. You don't get a choice either way."

"Ugh." Ebony eats it. It's good. With a lot of sugar. David. She smiles. When she's done. "What are you doing to annoy Midnight, Crimson and their family?"

"Nothing." Stella looks guilty.

"Stopping them from Killing something dear to our kingdom." Star frowns.

"Yeah. What she said."

"Oh. That's nice of you." Ebony lays back on the bed, trying but failing to go back to sleep.

"Should we..." Stella starts.

"Should you?" Ebony sits back up.

"Go back to the King and Queen?"

"Sure, why not?" and so they leave her to be depressed all alone. And then she finally falls asleep.

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