Chapter 3: Hello

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Brandon's POV

I was attracted to her. There was no denying that but, I barely knew her. I don't know if my heart is stable enough for me to be in another relationship already. After Charlotte left me, I pretty much gave up on all things relating to romance. I was focused on me, the boys, and our music. Nothing more and nothing less.

Now that Lauren's in the picture, I don't know what to think anymore. It's like that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster and you're about to hit that big drop. You don't know what's waiting below but you know it's gonna be exciting.

I have a feeling that taking that big drop would be worth it for Lauren but I don't know how she feels about me. She doesn't seem like the type of girl to fall head over heels for a guy she just met a few hours ago. Yeah, you could say that she's known us for a while now but, that doesn't mean she knows the real us.

Being famous comes with its ups and downs. You can't just turn it off and be normal when you want too. There's a face that we all have to put on for the public, while still holding on and being our true selves. When I'm around Lauren, my morals and personality don't come into question, I know for a fact I'm being myself around her. Tonight  I'm gonna shoot my shot regardless of what I think about it. They say to think with your head and not your heart but, I'm gonna do it the other way around this time.

Lauren's POV

We had finally gotten to the party and I was having a great time. I found it amusing that Brandon hadn't taken his eyes off me ever since we left the house but, at the same time it was making me extremely nervous. Did he like me? Cause I sure as hell liked him.

The way we sang together had me craving more, in more ways than one, and I needed to make my move if I was gonna have even the slightest of chances. A guy as attractive as he is and confident at the same time doesn't stay single for long. I decided to ask him to dance since Zion, Nick, and Edwin were off having a dance contest somewhere and Austin was at his girlfriends house because he bailed on the party.

"Hey you wanna dance?" I asked Brandon. "Yeah I thought you'd never ask." He said grabbing my hand and leading me out onto the dance floor. Grind on me by pretty Ricky came on so Brandon grabbed me and pulls me up against him. At first I was stiff by then I start to sway with him along to the music. As the lyrics start to go along, Brandon begins to sing in my ear. "Baby grind on me. Relax your mind take your time on me." He sang.

We continued to to dance along to the music as multiple songs began to pass by. We were out of breathe by the time we stopped so Brandon grabbed my hand and led me to the drinks. Before I knew it he had turned around because someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Charlotte what the hell are you doing here?" Brandon asked. Oh my god. That was his ex girlfriend. What was she doing here? "I came to see you B. I missed you." She said. "Well I'm busy. And I've moved on because you broke up with me, remember." He said upset.

"So you've moved on with some wannabe trash." She said. "Excuse me!" I said. "You heard me the first time bitch! You're nothing and he'll never love you like he loves me. You're just a phase." She said to me angrily. "Charlotte you're obviously drunk so just leave us alone okay." Brandon said trying to calm the situation down.

I was about ready to drag her but I didn't want to embarrass Brandon. I turned to him and asked, "can we leave?" I said. "Yeah let's go." He said grabbing my hand and leading us to the car.

I was so pissed off that I didn't talk the first five minutes we were in the car. Brandon was texting on his phone while driving which probably wasn't a good idea so I corrected him. "You probably shouldn't be driving and texting." I said. "I know for a fact that we've both had at least one drink." I added. "I know. I'm being careful, I'm just letting the boys know that we left because Charlotte was there." He said.

All of a sudden I heard a loud screeching noise. Then my heart beat out of my chest as my head cracked against the window. All I heard was ringing in my ears from then on. Then everything went dark.

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