Chapter 17: I Fall Apart

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How could I have been so stupid? I let him get to me and ruin everything I had all because I thought he had feelings for me and he has a fucking girlfriend! What kinda shit was that. Maybe the band of prettymuch was too much for me to deal with, maybe I should just leave. I have enough music and fans of my own to go on tour. We'd still have the same manager and record label but I could make it on my own.

I sat in my room and cried. I didn't know what to do anymore. I was tired of getting my heart broken. Every time it seemed to be going amazing, I'd end up right back where I started. I just needed to stick to being alone. I had put off everything. I haven't spoken to Alec in weeks because he started college and he's been spending a lot of time with Brooke. I'm not mad at him for it though because he has a life of his own and he doesn't have time to be worried about me all the time. I'm just glad he's happy.

I need to get my priorities back together and work on me before I change anything else. All the relationships I end up in turn to shit, so why even try. I'm gonna stay single and do me. Period.

After being alone for an hour and falling asleep, I woke up to a knock on the door. I don't wanna talk right now. Leave me alone! "It's Edwin. I just wanted to check on you cause you've been in there all day." He said. "You can come in." I said.
He opened the door and sat on the sofa she of my bed. "Hey you okay?" He asked. "No I'm not." I said.

There was no point in lying about it because I looked like crap right now and I'm pretty sure he knew o was depressed. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. "Not really I just wanna forget that it even happened." I said. "Then lets go hangout. I was on my to the mall so you can come with me." He said.
He was being really nice and it was honestly a great change of pace.

I felt kinda bad because the whole time I had been here, I hadn't paid any attention to Edwin at all but he was probably the only other friend I had here that actually cared. Zion hates me, me and Nick aren't speaking, and Brandon is just being Brandon. Austin and Maddie spend a lot of time at home or working on separate things because Austin has a side career in art and Maddie is trying to make her own art career.

So, in all actuality, Edwin was the only person I had right now.
"Thanks for being a good friend. I really needed one right now." I said. "No problem. That's what I'm here for. Now stop getting all sappy on me and get dressed so we can leave." He said and I got up and got ready after he left.

For the first time in the last couple of hours, I actually had a reason to smile.

Edwin's POV

She seemed miserable so I had to do something about it. Austin wasn't here because he was with Maddie so I was the only one she had right now. I could understand why Zion and Brandon weren't getting involved because they had already been hurt by her, and that is honestly her fault so she had to deal with it but, I had no grudges against her so I was still gonna be a good friend to her.

Now Nick, he was just a straight up Dick for what he did. I don't know what's been up with him lately but he needed to get his shit together. He broke up Zion and Lauren so he could shoot his shot but he knows that was a dumbass move, and then to make it worse he didn't even breakup with us girlfriend to be with Lauren. So I was pissed at him, disappointed wasn't even the right word for it.

After waiting on Lauren to finish getting ready, we got ready to leave. "You ready to have the best day of your life?" I asked. "We're just going to the mall." She said laughing. "So... it's still gonna be fun cause your hanging with me." I said. She thought we were going to the mall but I planned on taking we to the amusement park today. Hopefully the adrenaline rush from all the rides would help take her mind off everything.

I opened the door for her to leave. "After you." I said. "Aww you're such a gentleman." She said laughing. "Thanks. If my mom ever caught me letting a lady open her own door, she'd kick my ass." I said laughing.
I was glad to see a smile finally on her face. After the day she had, I was glad that she was finally happy.

But, that smile was immediately wiped off her face when she turned and saw Nick and his girlfriend arguing outside by my car. Now I had to deal with this shit.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now