Chapter 9: Cocky much?

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Nick's POV

"Time for tour Baby!!!" I shouted as we all loaded up on the tour bus. "Uhhh can you stop being so loud. It's 6 in the morning." Lauren said. "I agree, I'm not up enough for this." Edwin said. "Wow you're all lame as fuck. We're supposed to be litty in this bitch!" I said. "It's our second time on tour, so be happy." I added.

"Well I for one think we all need a cup of coffee before we get too crazy." Brandon said. "Alright let's go." Edwin said. "I think I saw a Starbucks a few blocks down." Austin said. "Well lead the way." Zion said. "You coming babe?" He asked Lauren. "Naw I'm gonna go put all my stuff in my bunk so I'll be settled and stuff." She replied. "Okay well I'll bring back your usual white chocolate iced mocha." He said. "Thanks." She said kissing him on the cheek.

"Alright dial down the lovey dovey shit and get the damn coffee so we can get on the road." I said. "Okay dickhead." Zion said laughing and left the bus.  Now I was stuck with her. Don't get me wrong, I I don't have issues with Lauren. I just understand her type way too well. And she's practically playing pool hockey with two of my best friends.

First she decides she as feelings for Brandon, and then she up and drops him all because he made one little mistake, so she could go out with Zion. I admit she has stayed with Zion longer than I though but, it's still gonna end up at some point. And it was dumb as hell for him to get her name tattooed on his back. Like what if they breakup. Well scratch that, they are gonna breakup. The question is, when?

"Why are looking at me like you're disgusted?" Lauren asked. "No reason. I'm just trying to figure you out." I replied. "What do you mean figure me out?" She asked. "Well you don't have to play dumb. You know exactly what I'm getting at. I'm surprised no one else has caught on to your little game yet." I said. "What game? Are you just trying to freak me out cause, if so, it's not working. You of all people Nick Mara, have no right to judge me. I've been with you guys for two months now and everyone has built a friendship with me except for you." I said. "Wow. If you weren't so busy, I don't know, sticking your tongue down Brandon and Zion's throats, then you would realize that I exist. You don't get to pull the friend card and not try to enforce it in return." I said.

"So what are you trying to prove then? That I'm a bitch or something?" She said. "No. I'm not saying you're a bad person, I'm just saying that when it comes to relationships, you're kinda clueless.
Which leads to you breaking hearts along the way." I said. "Look I don't have time for your shit today." She said. "Oh have I hit a button princess. Sorry I don't play nice." I said. "Can you just leave me alone." She said. "Well that's just fine and dandy with me shortcake." I said. "Oops I think that name is reserved for Zion." I added being sarcastic, to make her even more mad.

She was so close to me I could see her freckles. I knew just how to get to her. I've been patiently watching her and getting to know her these past two months and I know her so well that it's crazy. I could literally break her.

Then, the door opened and Sion walked in. Lauren jumped back and looked guilty as hell. "What's going on?" Zion asked. "Nothing." I said leaving the room.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now