Chapter 21: Open Arms

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Lauren's POV

I couldn't believe he was here. Of all the people I wanted to see, I didn't think he'd be the one to show up. The real question was why was he here? We had been broken up for over 2 months now, and as far as I knew he hated me for everything that happened.

"Hey." He said. "Hi." I replied. "I don't really know where to start first but I just needed to talk to you." He said kinda frustrated. "Okay well what do you need to say." I asked. I was so confused at the moment. I wasn't gonna rush him though. I was just glad to see him.

"Well I just wanna know how you're doing. I saw your cover on YouTube, and you seemed really upset." He said. "Thanks for the concern but, I got myself into this situation so it's my fault what happens to me." I said. "Don't blame yourself for it. Nick was a dick, and Brandon always has love issues, and well what happened with us was just..." He didn't even know what to say next so I finished for him.

"What happens with us was all my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid and gullible about Nick, we would've still been together. My feelings for him were never anywhere near as real as what I felt for you. You and me, we had something real, and me and Nick were just an infatuation." I said.

"I understand that but that still doesn't give me an excuse. You're not the only one that fucked up here. I wasn't man enough to chase after you. I just called it quits and left it at that." He said. "Let's be honest though, if you really wanted to chase after me, you would've done it a while ago." I said.

"I know." He said. For a few seconds we just sat there looking at each other as the pain of what happened to us slowly started to lift off of our shoulder, we didn't have to hold that burden anymore. "Well I'm glad we got to discuss that. If that's all you wanted to talk about then, I guess you can leave now." I said.

I got up to walk him out but he stood up and blocked me from moving. "That's not all I wanted to say." He said. What else did he possibly wanna talk about? He wasn't gonna get back together with me was he?

I guess I'd have to find out.

Meanwhile in Brandon's POV

I was scrolling through YouTube trying to find new music ideas when a video from Lauren's channel showed up on my timeline. I decided to watch it since it was a cover of our song Gone Too Long. I hit play and plugged in my headphones.

This song already meant so much to me because I wrote it for my ex girlfriend Charlotte but, seeing her sing it with so much emotion and the tears in her eyes just really put me over the edge.

I missed her so much. After everything that happened between us, I still had feelings for her. We never really went anywhere with our relationship but, we had a connection. I needed to stop letting everything interfere with me being happy. Even if that meant hurting a few people along the way.

Without thinking, I decided to be bold and drive Lauren's house to see her. I wasn't gonna let this moment of confidence pass me by.

Meanwhile in Nick's POV

"Look we need to break up." I said. "What do you mean we need to break up! We've been together for two years." She said. "I understand that but we pith know that you and I were only together for the publicity." I said. "Wow so are you saying you never really had feelings for me." She said. "That's not what I'm saying. I'm just trying to tell you that I have feelings for someone else." I said.

"Eww are you talking about that wannabe bitch Lauren. She's nothing Nick, and she'll never be able to love you like I can." She said. "First of all don't ever disrespect her like that. Just keep her name out of your mouth in general." I said.

"I have to go fix some mistakes so I believe you know where the door is." I said and grabbed my keys and left to Lauren house.

Lauren's POV

Me and Zion were in the middle of our conversation when I heard a knock at the door. "Hold on I'll get it." I said and got up to answer the door. I opened the door and Brandon was standing there. What was he doing here?! Now was definitely not a good time for him and Zion to be here.

Before I could ask him anything though, he walked in and started talking. "Look I know this is out of the blue but I just needed to see you and talk to you because...." He stoped in the middle of his sentence because he noticed Zion on the couch.

But, before I could deal with the two of them, there was another knock on the door. Who could it be this time.
I opened the door an Nick was standing there soaking wet because it had just started raining when Brandon got here. I opened the door and let him inside because I couldn't leave him outside in the rain.

"Look I know you're mad at me but we need to talk I..." He started to say but, he didn't finish either because he saw Zion and Brandon.

"Oh my bad you already have company. Can you guys leave so I can talk to Lauren?" Nick asked. "I was here first so if anything, you and Brandon need to leave." Zion said. "Do you guys not care that I'm standing right here." Brandon said.

"Can you guys just be quiet for just a second and tell me what the hell is going on here!" I yelled. They all looked at me as if they were waiting on me to say something but I had nothing to say. I couldn't explain anything to them because I had no idea what was going on myself. "Can you guys just say something please." I said.

"I still love you." They all said at the same time.

Shit! What was I gonna do now.

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