Chapter 14: Bad Guy

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"So let's get started. Truth or Dare?" I asked Nick. "I'll start easy and go with truth." He said. "Okay. What's the first thing you think about when you see me?" I asked. "Hmm. You want the Pg version or the non censored version?" He asked. "Well we all know the motto we all live by according to Zion." I said laughing. "2019 we ain't censoring shit. So give me the real version." I said.

"Okay well every time I see you, I mostly think to myself 'damn she's fine as hell' or 'I need to get at that." He said. "Lmao thanks I guess." I replied. "Okay truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare. Cause I'm not scared." I said. "Cocky are we? Okay. You'll regret that." He said. "Do your worst." I said. "Okay I dare you to let me do whatever I want to you for the next 10 minutes." He said. "If you wanted to get with me you could've just asked Nick." I said. "Well what's the fun in that when I could just play a game along the way and get you all worked up." He said. "Fine. I guess this is my fault because I agreed to play this game." I said. "Exactly. Now be quiet so I can fulfill my part of the dare." He said. "Yes sir." I said. "If you call me sir again, I'll do way more than this ten minute dare."
He said.

I shut up and did as he said because I didn't wanna make this any worse. Knowing Nick, this was gonna be torture. "Come here." He said. I scooter closer to him on the sofa. He leaned in and started kissing my neck. He left gentle bite marks as he kissed closer towards my lips. I reached out to touch him but he pushed my hands away. "No touching. This is my ten minutes remember." He said.

"Screw your little game. I'm gonna do what I want." I said while lifting his shirt over his head. "Fine do what you want." He said, way too caught up in the moment. Just when I thought things were going the way I wanted them to, there was a knock at the door. "Damn.." I said sighing and getting up to answer it. "Just ignore it." Nick said. "But it's probably important." I said.

As soon as I opened the door, I immediately regretted it. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. It was my ex boyfriend Jackson. We broke up at the beginning of my senior year because he and I just weren't meant to be. He was kind of abusive, but my parent loved him because he was exactly the type of boy they wanted me with, even though they didn't know what went on behind closed doors. I swore on my life that if I ever saw him again I'd run.

He brought me back to a part of my life that I hated, and I definitely didn't plan on going back and letting him control me. "You need to leave now." I said trying to close the door, but he stuck his foot out so it wouldn't budge. "Let me in Lauren. I've been texting you and calling you for months. Your parents told me where to find you." He said.
What the hell! They had no reason to be giving out my address to people, let alone him.

Before I could react, he had shoved  the door open and was walking in. "Who the hell is he?" Jackson asked. "None of you business now get the hell out of my house!" I yelled and shoved him. He grabbed me by my wrist and pushed me against the wall. "The next time you push me you'll regret it." He said. "Let go of me!" I yelled.

"Hey get the fuck off of her!" Nick yelled walking into the room. "Was I talking to you?" Jackson asked Nick. "No you weren't but you're hurting her so it just became my business, so I suggest you leave before I handle you myself." Nick said. Jackson immediately let go of my wrist, and I knew it was gonna leave a bruise. Then, he got all up in Nick's face threatening him.

"She belonged to me long before you and you band came into the picture so I suggest you move along before you become a part of something you don't want." Jackson said. "I don't take threats lightly." Nick said. "So, you should leave before I kick your ass and then call the police." He added.

"Try it pal and you'll regret it." Jackson said pulling a knife out of his pocket. This was getting way too hostile, way too fast. Someone was gonna get hurt if we didn't get him to leave. I knew Jackson was crazy, but I never knew that he had gotten like this. He had gotten involved with drugs a while before we broke up which ended up making his anger problems way worse.

"Go in the other room and lock the door, and don't come out until I tell you to." Nick said. "No I'm not leaving you out here with him! He's crazy!" I said. "Right now is not the time to question me! Go in the room and call the police! I'll be fine now go!" Nick said.

He obviously wasn't gonna let me stay out here so I went in the room and locked the door. I was scared as hell. If Nick got hurt all because I didn't know how to deal with my crazy ex boyfriend, then I'd feel horrible. I quickly called the police and they said they'd be here in the next five minutes.

Now I just had to hope that Nick would be able to handle himself while we waited.

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