Chapter 10: Blind

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Zion's POV

"Can we talk? Outside." I said. "Yeah sure." Lauren replied. I didn't know what the hell I just saw but she had a lot of explaining to do. Austin, Edwin, and Brandon we're inside setting up their bunks, and Nick was god knows where. He had stormed off as soon as I walked in. He was way too close to Lauren, but I needed to trust both of them because she was my girlfriend and he was my best friend, so I decided to just ask what happened.

"So what the hell was going on in there with you and nick?" I asked. "Nothing." She replied. "That's all I get, nothing. It obviously was more than nothing. You jumped back when I walked in, like you saw a ghost or something." I said, getting kinda angry because she was lying straight to my face. "How am I gonna be able to trust you, when you can sit here and lie straight to my face." I said. "I'm not trying to lie to you, I'm just withholding the truth." She said. "Bullshit!" I yelled. "You're really starting piss me off Lauren, and you can't say that it was nothing because I know what I saw with my own two eyes." I said. "You're either really clueless or I'm just fucking blind." I added.

"Fine if it means that much I'll tell you what he said." She said. "But just know that after I tell you, you might hate me or him." She said. "Just tell me. And don't hold anything back." I said. "Well, you guys left and I went to put up my stuff but after I came back, he started telling me all this stuff about me breaking your heart and Brandon's, and he said that it's just some routine that I'm playing. He said that at some point I'm gonna get over you and move on to someone else when I get bored." She said.

I was infuriated. I was gonna kill him. Or at least hurt him a little bit. How the hell did he know if we were gonna last or not! He had no right to make assumptions about our relationship, or to intimidate Lauren like that and get in her head. I turned around to go and find Nick but Lauren stopped me. "Wait there's more." She said.

What else could he have possible said. He was putting himself in a deeper hole. "He said that he knows me so well that he could break me." She said. That was the last piece I needed to push me over the edge. I was gonna deal with Nick, and no one was gonna stop me, but I needed to know one thing from her before I left. The one thing that could make or break us.

"Do you believe him?" I asked her. It took her a while to respond. She slowly nodded her head and looked away. That's all I needed to know. We weren't gonna last. Not if she let other people's opinions influence her so easily. If she really loved me, she wouldn't believe it, and she wouldn't have hesitated. The only thing left was for me to let her go. I love her way too much to be with her when she isn't fully involved. We needed to talk things through but, I wasn't in the right mindset to be gentle right now. I had to confront Nick first.

I left the room in a hurry and didn't look back.

Nick's POV

I was on my way back to the bus when Zion stormed out and ran up on me. "Hey man..." Before I could finish my sentence he punched me
In the face. "What the fuck Z!" I yelled. "You're lucky we're friends because otherwise I'd do more than that." He said. "What was that for?" I asked while wiping blood from the corner of my mouth.

"How about you ask Lauren.
You're the one who told her all that bullshit." He yelled. "That's what this is about! Some stupid talk I had with Lauren!" I yelled. "Yeah because you know you had no right." Zion said. "I had no right! She's ducking with all of us and you know it! What next is she gonna date Edwin?" I yelled. "Who we decide to date is none of your business Nick so stay out of it." He yelled. "It is my damn business when my life is getting messed up along the way. You and Brandon haven't been the same ever since she came to stay with us. And I'm not saying it's her fault but, all of you should have been mature enough to know that you don't mix business and pleasure. Period." I said and walked away.

When I opened the door to wall in, Lauren was standing there shocked. "What's going on?" She asked. "What happened to your face?" She asked me. "Ask your boyfriend." I responded and pushed past her. "What the hell Zion! What did you hit him for? This has nothing to do with him!" Lauren said.

"It has everything to do with him!" Zion said. "And the fact that you don't see that proves that maybe you shouldn't be my girlfriend anymore." He said to her. "What are you saying?" Lauren asked quietly. "I think I need some space. This is interfering with my music and my career too much. We're done." Zion said. "Fine." Lauren said as a tear fell down her cheek and she left.

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