Chapter 6: Liar

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After the movie Alec went home because he had plans with Brooke. Austin ended up coming to get Maddie because they had to go to dinner with their parents. Me and Zion were the only ones left so we decided to stop and get some Chick-fil-a before we went home.

We didn't go inside to eat because we wanted to go home and eat so we went through the drive through. "What do you want to eat?" I asked.  "I don't know. Whatever you get is fine." He replied. He seemed kinda upset but I didn't really ask about it. He normally knew what he wanted to eat whenever we went somewhere.

I decided to just order us some chicken tenders with some fries and a vanilla shake for me and a cookies and cream one for Zion. After we got home we both went in Zion's room to eat since he had the bigger bed and T.V. "So.. what do you wanna do for the rest of the nights?" I asked. "I don't know. I'll probably just end up going to bed in a few." He said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "What do you mean." He replied. "I mean what's wrong with you. Ever since we ran into Brandon, you've been off." I said.

"I'm just upset that's all. It's kinda obvious he still has feelings for you, otherwise he wouldn't have stormed off like that." He said. "Well I'm sorry but I can't really control how Brandon feels about me. I don't want to be with him though." I said. "And how do you know that for sure?" He asked. "The only reason you aren't talking to him is because you're still mad about the accident and him getting back with Charlotte." Zion added  angrily. "I'm mad about the accident because I could've died Zion! All because he was sending a stupid text message!" I yelled. "Which was sent to you by the way!" I added.

"So now you're accusing this of being my fault. Wow. I didn't even talk to Brandon the night of the party, so now you're just making accusations." He said. "No I'm not.
Brandon told me right before we got in the accident that he was sending a text you because you asked why we left the party." I said.

"That's a lie. Because my phone wasn't even on because I gave it to Nick to hold on to because it died." He said. Wait. "So if Brandon wasn't texting you then who was he texting?" I asked. "I don't know.
That's something you'll have to ask him." Zion said. "But obviously it had to be really fucking stupid or important for him to text and drive just to answer it." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. I was being a dick about the stuff that's going on with you and B. I shouldn't be worried though because you decided to be my girlfriend. So everything else irrelevant." He said.
"Okay." I said giving him a kiss.

After we finished eating, I got ready to leave Zion's room and go talk to Brandon. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I told Zion. "Okay. Be careful though. I car about the both of you so don't get hurt." He said hugging me.

I found Brandon sitting in his room strumming in his guitar and humming along. "Hey." I said knocking on the door and walking in. "What do you want?" He asked. "I wanna talk." I replied. "Can't you go do that with you boyfriend." He said in an aggravated tone.

"Leave him out of this. You already lied and said you were texting him the night of the crash when you know you weren't." I said. "So who were you texting?" I asked. "That's none of your business. Now can you leave me alone." He said. "No I can't! You don't have the right to walk around and be upset about something you caused. It isn't fair to anyone in this house. We all miss the old Brandon." I said. "Well he's gone. Now leave me the hell alone!" He yelled.

I jumped from the sound of his voice. Next thing I know Zion is storming into the room. "Hey! Don't yell at her like that! What the hell is your problem man?" He said getting in Brandon's face. "I'm not in the mood for this shit right now!" Brandon yelled back. "Just take her and get out of my face!" Brandon yelled pushing Zion.

Then, Nick Austin and Edwin were by the door pulling Zion and Edwin away from each other before the fight escalated. "What the fuck is going on with you two?" Nick said. "Nothing's wrong with me. You need to tell him to stop being a dick to Lauren." Zion said.

"What's up with you B. You've been acting weird ever since you and Charlotte got back together." Edwin said. "If you wanna know so bad then fine I'll tell you! She's pregnant!" Brandon yelled. Then he stormed out and grabbed his keys and left the house.

So that's why he's been like this. I should've known he was going through all this stuff.
I would've known if I wasn't so worried about myself. He's gonna be a dad, and Charlotte's the mother.

Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face as I collapsed to the floor. Zion came and wrapped his arms around me and we just sat there and waited.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now