Chapter 7: Daddy Issues

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Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be friends with the boy band prettymuch. Let alone be dating Zion. Now we're all shook by the fact that Brandon is gonna be a father now. I've been a horrible friend to him, he's needed someone this whole time, and I've been arrogant and haven't spoken to him all because of some stupid car accident. I needed to make things right before it all went bad.

Me and the boys decided to hold an intervention to cope him out of his funk. We all met in the living room and sat on the sofa. "So why am I here? It's pretty obvious you guys wanna talk to me about what happened." Brandon said. "We're here to help you. We all know that you're gonna be a dad now, and that's gonna take a lot of adjustments." Austin said. "I completely agree, which is why I invited Charlotte." Maddie said abruptly. "What!" We all said in unison. "I felt like, if we are gonna make plans concerning their baby, then the mother should be here. Even if we all hate her." Maddie said.

"I know we don't like her guys but, Maddie's right. She needs to be here." I said. The boys nodded there heads agreeing. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. We all knew it was her. We let Brandon go answer the door and warm her of what was going on before we all bombarded her.

"I don't want to talk to any of you. Maddie said we were going to lunch, not having couples therapy." Charlotte said with an attitude. "Look we don't want you here either." Zion said. "But all our lives are gonna change after this baby is born, so we need you to have a seat and listen." I added in a stern tone.
I was not in the mood for her bullshit today of all days. I would much rather be hanging out with Zion or writing music.

"Fine. What do you wanna discuss." Charlotte said angrily, having a seat. "So have you and Brandon made any plans for this baby?" Nick asked. "No not really." Charlotte said. "Well do you at least know how far along you are?" Edwin asked. "Yeah. The doctor said about 4 weeks." She said. "Wait that makes no sense." Brandon said. "Why not?" Charlotte asked, sounding kinda of shaky. "Because. We slept together 3 weeks ago so you would only be maybe a week or two late." Brandon added. "Wow. You didn't have her take a DNA test B. That's common sense buddy. If that's the case then anyone you slept with that gets pregnant can claim you're the baby daddy." Nick said sarcastically.

Wow so his dumbass didn't even have her take a DNA test. I'm shaking my head. How naive could he be. She's probably just claiming the baby is Brandon's because he'll stick around and provide. "So do you wanna tell us who the real baby daddy is? Or are we
Gonna have to get a DNA test done." Zion asked.

"Fine! I lied." Charlotte said. "I'm not even pregnant." Charlotte added. "You're a fucking bitch!" I said loosing my patience with her. "You had us all worried about how Brandon was gonna cope with this and you lied!! I'm sorry but I don't care who the hell you are but you need to get out! And don't come back." I yelled at her. "Are you just gonna let this slut talk to me like that?" Charlotte asked Brandon. "Just leave Charlotte." Brandon said. "Wow fuck you." She said flipping Brandon off and rolling her eyes at me. "Oh and hey..." Zion said. "The next time you call my girlfriend a slut, I'll have a restraining order put out on you for verbal assault." He said. Charlotte grabbed her bag and stormed out.

"Thank god!" Brandon said letting out a sigh of relief. "Thanks guys. If we didn't have this talk, I'd probably still be taking care of Charlotte until I realized she wasn't getting a baby belly." Brandon said laughing. Even though he had been a dick for the past week, we decided to forgive him because he had been through a lot. It takes a lot to deal with Charlotte, especially if you think she's the mother of your baby.


After a week or two of being back to normal, me and the boys were able to finish writing and recording my album! I was so excited for the debut. My release party was next week. Everything was starting to be great for me after all. The only downside was that after my release party, I won't be living with the boys anymore. The contest only lasted a month. So I'd have to figure it what I was gonna do next.

"Hey babe." Zion said walking into my room and laying on my bed. "What's up." I said giving him a kiss. I don't think I'll ever get tired of him. "I have some great news." He said. "Well what is it? The anticipation is killing me." I said sarcastically.

I already knew that the boys had news because they had a meeting with their producers and label earlier today while I was at home with Maddie. I hadn't done anything today but wait around all day for them to get home.

"So firstly, our one month anniversary is in two weeks." He said. Oh my god! I almost forgot about that. "Don't worry I know you haven't been keeping track of it because you've been busy with your album and everything. Don't worry though because I already planned something and I got you a gift." He said. "Aww what did I do to ever deserve you." I said while smothering his face with kisses.

"I don't know." He said kissing me back. "But you should wear my sweatshirts more often because you look fine as hell." He said. I completely forgot I had is sweatshirt on with nothing underneath it because it was huge on me so it was like a dress.

"Well I guess I'll take that into consideration." I said straddling his lap. "Mhm." He mumbled while kissing my neck. After getting a little heated and carried away, Zion put some distance between us. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. It's just that I'm not trying to make you feel pressured to have sex so soon." He said. "It's fine babe. I don't feel pressured. I'm honestly excited about it. And I'm not a virgin or anything so it's not a problem." I said. "I know but, I still want our first time together to be special." He said. "Okay fine." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now what's the rest of the news?" I asked.

"Our manager told us today that me and the boys are going on tour!" He said excited. "Wow I'm so proud of you baby! That's amazing. When do you guys leave?" I asked. "We leave after your album release party." He said. Damn that was really soon. I needed to get ASICS time with him as possible before he left.

"Why do you look upset?" Zion asked. "It's nothing. Just that you're gonna be gone for a while without me." I said. "But that's the thing shortcake. Our producer said you're coming with us! Since your album is gonna be released next week, they figured that you could be the opening act on tour!" He said grinning. "OMG!" I said squealing.

"So Nick will teach you some mean choreography and you'll get cool outfits and it'll be amazing." He said.  I couldn't believe it! I was going on my first tour.

I already knew that a tour with prettymuch was gonna be a bumpy but awesome ride.

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