Chapter 22: The Finale

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Lauren's POV
I had no idea what was going on. I was just put on spot and I didn't even know what I wanted. All this time I've been so involved with the boys and my music that I've completely lost myself.
"Can you please say something Lauren?" Nick said. "Bro give her a minute. We all just came in and admitted that we love her, she obviously needs a minute to get her mind made up." Zion said. "What do you mean get her mind made up? I've wanted to be with her since the second I met her, and you guys just happened to follow along. If anything you guys should back off and just leave us be." Brandon said.

"Can all of you just SHUT UP!" I yelled. "God! Can you just be quiet for a second and let me figure things out. I just had an emotional breakdown for the last few days and needed to be alone to figure myself out and now you three wanna come in here and get everything off your chest. That's not how this works." I added.

"I know. It's just that we all saw your video and it made us realize that we need you in our lives." Nick said. "I get that but you can't just tell a girl you love her and expect her to choose right then and there. I've had feelings for all of you at some point in time, and some more than others, but that's something I can just move on from. So, excuse me if I can just make a choice right now." I said.

"Well how long do you think you'll be?" Brandon asked. "Dude chill. She obviously gonna need more than a few minuets. She's not waiting for her show to come on, she's deciding who she loves. Love is something you do unapologetically. It's not a decision you should take lightly because in the end it can have major consequences. Someone's heart could get broken along the way." Zion said to Brandon and Nick, but somehow it felt like he was speaking to me the whole time.

"You guys should go. I need some time to think." I said. They all just nodded their heads solemnly and walked out the door. I locked the door and slid to the floor in a heaping mess of tears.

How could they expect me to make such a drastic decision all of a sudden. I thought that hated me and wanted nothing to do with me, now all of a sudden they wanted me to choose which one of them I loved. What kind of sense does that make.

Sometimes I wish Nick, Brandon, and Zion would be like Edwin and Austin and just be friends with me, and not cause this emotional rollercoaster inside of me.

How the hell was I gonna pick which one of them I love when I never truly stopped loving any of them. I just love them in completely different ways.

Maybe that's exactly what I needed to do. In order to choose who I loved the most, I needed to go back to where it all started, where I first realized I loved them. I grabbed my keys and headed out of my apartment.

At Lauren's High School

I couldn't go inside but just standing at the doors brought back memories. I remember the day I got called to the office and the boys were there waiting to tell me the good news. Before I left for LA I told myself that I was in it for the music and to make my dreams come true.

Yeah, maybe I did accomplish that but,
I somehow lost myself along the way. I let myself get sidetracked with my relationships and all my feeling that I ended up drifting away from all my priorities and I got in between the boys and their music at the same time.

I now knew what I needed to do. Regardless of how much I loved them or who I was gonna choose, I needed to completely remove myself from the situation. I had to leave, and I couldn't tell them where I was going.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now