Chapter 12: Mind of Poseidon

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It was 2 in the afternoon and I was currently in bed while the boys were gone to visit their families. This was our only week on break for tour and I was spending it at home in what used to be me and Zion's apartment. It's kinda sad to be here without him. Everything is still exactly how it was a few days ago and I still haven't thought of how to fix everything.

I decided the best thing for me to do was to just remove  myself entirely from the whole situation for a while. So instead of spending the week break on vacation together like me and all the boys had planned before the big fight, I decided to just come home and stay for the week.

I didn't want to go home and be with my parents because for one, they were on vacation in the Bahamas. And two, they are still upset with me about seeing the whole story with prettymuch go down non the press. Apparently paparazzi had seen Zion punch Nick in the face, and they caught me running inside crying after the breakup with Zion, so they had a whole bunch of assumptions to make up about it. Knowing my parents, they believed every piece of bullshit they saw in a magazine, or on tv.

I was about to call and order post-mates when I heard a knock at the door. I got up to see who it was. "Who is it?" I yelled. "It's Nick!" He yelled back. What the hell was he doing here? He was the last person I wanted to see, and how did he even know where my apartment was. "Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna leave me outside all day?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes in response and opened the door to let him in. "Nice pajamas." He said with a sarcastic tone and smirk. "Nice face." I said being equally sarcastic and adding a disgusted look. "Wow that really hurt my ego. Most girls think I'm fine as hell." He said laughing. "Okay quit the BS and get to the real reason why your here Mara." I said while crossing my arms and looking at him. "Fine... I came to talk things over. I feel bad about what happened, and no one has been the same ever since." He said.

I completely agreed with him. I had wanted to talk things through with everyone, but I had no idea what to do so, I kinda just let it be. I appreciate Nick being the bigger person and deciding to apologize. "Fine we can talk. Only because I agree that things need to get back to normal." I said while sitting down on the sofa. "Thanks for giving me a chance. I know I was a real dick to you and there's no excuse for that but, I really hope you can forgive me." He said.

"I accept your apology, but why did you do it? I don't believe that lame excuse you gave the first time about wanting to protect Brandon and Zion, because everyone knows that they can handle themselves, and you would never throw yourself under the bus like that. So why?" I asked. "Because... I don't wanna tell you why." He said.

"Uh. Excuse me. You do not get to act all high and mighty and ruin everything I had all because of nothing so you need to tell me the truth or get out." I said. "Fine. I'll tell you, but this can't leave this room." He said. "Fine by me." I said. "Okay... I was jealous. You happy now." He said quietly.

I could tell that it was tough for him to say even that much but, it really shocked me that he was jealous. He never really spoke to me, so what was there to be jealous of. "I know what you're thinking." He said. "And it's not like that." He added. "Then what is it?" I asked. "It's you. For some reason I could never really wrap my head around it. I don't know how to feel about you. I know that you're not meant to be dated because you're a very indecisive person, but I also know that you're not a one night stand because you'd be way too addicting." He said.

I started blushing because of the turn of events. I never thought I'd here Nick speak like this. Let alone to me, but he just kept on going. "I might not have ever spoken to you very much, but it's only because I've been avoiding you. I knew that if I paid attention to you, that I'd get caught up. Just seeing you with Brandon and Zion made me feel so possessive over you. But, I couldn't do anything about it because I knew that you'd be lucky to have either one of them, and they'd be way easier to handle than me. When I found out that you and Zion moved in together and got tattoos together, it pushed me over the edge and I knew I had to do something." He said.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. How could he be so selfish and just admit he has feelings for me but go about it in the worst way possible. I loved Zion, and he ruined that. "I know what I did was wrong. And trust me when I say, I didn't do it to hurt you or him. I did it to help." He said. "No you didn't. I know you didn't mean to help because we broke up because of you." I said getting upset. "Yeah I know. It needed to happen though. I'll believe you if you can sit here in front of me and tell me that if you had the chance to be with me, that you wouldn't take it." He said.

I didn't respond to him. I couldn't because I know if I did, I t would lead me somewhere I didn't need to be. He was gonna ruin me, I knew it. "See. I can see it written all over you. You want me, your just to scared to do it. Deep down you know Zion and Brandon could never fulfill that passionate need that I know you have. You want someone who's exciting and willing to push you over the edge, not hold your hand and whisper sweet little things in your ear." He said.

If he said anything else I was going to explode. He was doing more to me with is words than I'd ever experienced in my life. Sensations were flowing through my body, and I realized just how close we were. If I leaned forward we'd be touching. "And what do you mean by all of that?" I asked in a seductive tone. "You know exactly what I mean Lauren, don't act like you don't know." He said. "And what if I decide to take that risk. Then what?" I asked. "Well, you'd have to deal with the consequences of it." He said. "And what are those he asked. "Well let's just say I'm not gentle." He said, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

Suddenly I became very aware that I was only wearing a pair of really short shorts, and a skintight tank top without a bra. I guess I made it obvious because I looked away shyly. Nick grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Don't look away when I'm talking to you." He said. "Okay." I said.

With most guys I would have had an attitude because they were being controlling, but with Nick, it just turned me on. The question was, was I ready to dive in fully and play this game with him. With no hesitation.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now