Chapter 5: Undecided

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It had been a few week since I got out of the hospital, and everything was flowing smoothly. Me and the boys have made and recorded 5 new songs for my Ep album that's due at the end of the month to the record label so we had a lot of time left to chill since we were all caught up.

Brandon hasn't spoken to me in weeks though. The only times we talk are when we're working on music. Other than that Brandon is always with Charlotte. Apparently they had gotten back together the day after I got out of the hospital. I've been pretty upset about it because I really liked him but, I've been spending a lot of time with Zion which has been a really good distraction.

I had plans to go hangout with Alec today because he was gonna drive down to our side of L.A since I hadn't seen him in so long.

I was in my room trying to pick out an outfit when Maddie walked in. "Hey what you doing?" She asked smiling. "Nothing, just picking out something o wear to go hangout with my best friend." I said. "Oh that's cool. You should definitely wear that pink mini dress and your knee high boots." She said.

I decided to wear the outfit she recommended because she had really good fashion taste. "So do you have plans today?" I asked her. "No not really. Me and Austin are going to dinner with our parents later on tonight but I'm free the rest of the day." She replied. "Oh... you should come with me to hangout with Alec. I think you guys would really get along." I said. "And it would be cool to have another girl around to hangout with because I don't have many friends that are girls." I added.

"Sure I'd love to go. Just let me go get ready and let Austin know that I'll be back in time for dinner tonight." She said. This was gonna be fun. I would finally have a chill day with drama free vibes.

After I finished getting dressed, I went to see what Zion was doing while I waited for Maddie. "Hey!" I said walking into his room. He was laying there on his bed shirtless watching Netflix. "Wassup." He said. "Where you going looking like that?" He asked. "I'm going to hangout with my friend Alec and I'm bringing Maddie. Why is my outfit ugly?" I asked. "No you look hot. I just don't want you going out like that without me." He said. I giggled at his response. "Then come with me." I said. "I'd love to." He said all happy.

I loved it when he got all happy. It was something I got to see most of the time because he was never really in a bad mood. "But first..." Zion said, grabbing me and tossing me on the bed. "TICKLE FIGHT!" Hey yelled and started tickling me fiercely.

I burst into a fit of giggles. "Okay! Okay! You win! I can't breathe..." I said laughing so much. "Okay I'll stop since you took your L with dignity." He said. "Now go get dressed." I said pushing him off of me. "Whatever you say shortcake." He said getting up.

He started to take off his pants but then turned to look at me. "Are you staying for the show?" He asked with a cocky smirk. I immediately shook my head blushing hand embarrassed. I got up and left his room and I could hear him laughing as a left.


After Zion and Maddie were finally ready, we left to meet Alec at the mall. We decided to take my Range Rover because Nick was out with the main car, and Maddie's car was out of gas.

"So is Alec cute?" Maddie asked.
"I guess but I don't really pay attention to that because we've been best friends for most of our lives." I said. "And plus he has a girlfriend." I added. "Oh." Maddie said. "But I'm sure he's gonna like you." I said.

"Have you guys dated before." Zion asked. "Why are you Jealous lover boy?" Maddie asked mocking him. "No I'm not jealous. It's just a reasonable question that you ask your future girlfriend." He said.

Wait! FUTURE GIRLFRIEND!!! Did he really just say that. "So I'm your future girlfriend?" I asked. "Yeah. I thought you knew that. I told you I was gonna shoot my shot when I know you're ready. And you won't expect it at all." He said. "Wow okay." I replied and just kept driving.

After shopping and checking in with Alec, we all decided to go to see that new horror movie that came out, despite me not wanting to see it. I hated scary movies but, Zion promised to hold my hand if I got scared. Lol.

When we got in the theatre, we got snacks and headed to our seats. A couple of teen girls recognized Zion so they asked for autographs and he talked to them for a little while. "Aren't you that girl who won the contest?" One of the girls asked. "Yeah." I replied smiling at her. "Cool. So are you guys dating?" She asked. "No." I said at the same time Zion said, "Yes!"

"I mean.. if she'll have me." He added. Wait was he asking me to be his girlfriend. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked. So, this is what he meant by unexpected. "Yeah I guess I am." He said. "Well the answers yes." I aid smiling.

"Finally!" He said grabbing me and pulling me in for a kiss. His lips were soft and exciting.
I felt him smile while he kissed me, which made my heart swell. This day couldn't get better, at least that's what I thought.

In all actuality, it got worse. I turned to see Brandon standing there shocked, and another bomb, he was with Charlotte. Why the hell did they have to be here. As soon as I was about to say something, Brandon stormed off. I tried to run after him but Zion grabbed my hand.

"He needs some space right now." He said. I nodded agreeing and decided to just follow Zion and go to our movie. Why did this have to happen to me. I came here to make music, not break hearts. I needed to  clear things up with Brandon so we could just move on with our lives and be friends.

But would I truly ever be able to be "just friends" with Brandon? After everything we felt for that short little instant, I didn't know if I knew how to. I just needed to focus on Zion and music. Nothing else. After all, I was his for now. Just acknowledging that I had him to call mine, officially made my day better again.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Where stories live. Discover now