Chapter 4: 10,000 hours

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I woke up with a massive headache and a ton of IVs stuck in my arms. It was pretty obvious I was in a hospital bed and the last thing I could remember was riding home with Brandon. Wait! We got in a car accident. Where was Brandon though? Was he okay?

I sat up quickly trying to go check on him and find out where he went but my body immediately started to hurt. "Hey what are you doing. You need to rest. You've been out for the past two days." Someone said. I turned to find out that it was Zion and not Brandon.

"Where's Brandon?" I asked. He was in the car with me so I had to make sure he was okay. "He's fine, he just had some minor scratches. We finally got him to leave the waiting room so he's at home with Austin and Edwin, while Nick is getting the car fixed." He said.

Oh thank god! At least I knew he was okay. "I'm gonna go get the nurse and let her know that you're awake." Zion said while leaving my room. I can't believe it's only been two days starting my new music career and I've already been in so much drama. I don't know if I'm ready to deal with talking to Brandon yet though. This entire situation could've been avoided if he would've driven safely but, it's in the past now. I'm just happy to be alive.

After an hour of questions from my doctor and nurses to make sure I was okay and stable to go home, I was released from the hospital and allowed to go home. Zion helped me with all my stuff and drove me back to the house.

After all of this has happened, I'm not in the mood to do anything. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked Zion. "Yeah sure whatever you need." He said. "Could we maybe go somewhere else today instead of the house because I don't know if I'm ready to see Brandon yet." I said. "Yeah sure. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to see him so soon but, I hope you know he's really worried about you. He feels horrible for hurting you. And the fact that you had to deal with his bitch of an ex girlfriend made it even worse." He said trying to comfort me.

Zion was just what I needed today.
I homestretch didn't want him to leave me alone today. I may not have wanted to see Brandon today but, that didn't mean that I wanted to be alone. "Can you stay with me today. We could go chill at my house or something." I said. "Sure. I may not be as sweet and lovey dovey like Brandon but, I sure as hell was t gonna leave you alone after you just got out of the hospital." He said smiling.

I think I'm gonna be okay. For now at least, but the anxiety of having to confront Brandon about the accident still hurts.

Brandon's POV

Zion texted and let me know that Lauren was okay, but she still didn't wanna see me. They've been hanging out all day together and Zion has been posting cute little videos of them together on his snap.

I really fucked up. She could've died because of me, all because I was texting and driving. And to make things worse I lied to her about me texting Zion. I wasn't texting him, I was texting Charlotte.

Maybe she was right about me and Lauren not being together. Not because of Lauren, but because I was never gonna be able to earn her trust again.

After half a bottle of vodka to drown out my thoughts, I found myself texting Charlotte.

Brandon: hey can I come over?

Charlotte: Yeah sure babes... I'll be waiting for you 😘

I knew I was gonna regret this in the morning but, I just needed something to take my mind off of all the pain I've caused. Lauren didn't want anything to do with me anymore so, what was the point in even trying. I called and Uber and headed over to charlottes.

Lauren's POV

I was having a great day with Zion. He took my mind off of everything, and he even thought me how to play fortnite. "Now that you know how to play, you have to be in the opposite team than me. Just be prepared to take some L's." He said.
For some reason, everything came so easy with him. It was like hanging out with my best friend or something.

Zion must've realized that I was just sitting there thinking because he started staring at me. "What you thinking about shortcake?" He asked. "Lol. Shortcake?" I asked laughing. "Yeah it just seemed like a reasonable nickname for you."
He replied.

"You know I could get used to this." I said. "I could too.
I don't have a lot of girl friends because they all wanna fuck me or date." He said. I had a hard time replying to that because I mean I did wanna fuck him but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. "Looking like what?" I asked. "Like you wanna eat me." He replied laughing. I just shrugged my shoulders and turned away blushing. Before I knew what he was doing, he was holding my face and leaning in to kiss me.

Should I kiss him back was the question? It wasn't right for me to have just had feelings for Brandon but now be kissing Zion. "Wait." I said pulling away. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I can't. What about Brandon." I said feeling guilty.

"I know you guys had a thing. And I understand that, but I just want to be given an equal opportunity. I'm willing to wait for my chance as long as it taakes. I'll play the long game." He said and got up and left me in my room.

What the hell was going on with my life?

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