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PART 2 :

She was the  one  who  did not give  respect to the  relationship and  went away  ..  breaking  it ..  ...  and  now  why  does  she  come  back  .  ?  if her  source  is  right  then  because  of her having some  extra marritial  affair  ...  they  had  a  huge  fight   which led them a  separation frankly speaking  she  never  like  the  woman  from the beginning  but  still  she  accepted  her  ... as  his  wife  and tries  to  forget   her feelings  but  when  she  left  him  .while cheating  on his back ..  then  why  ..  she  come  back  now  !!  she flared her nose angrily   !! 

Khushi:  chance  ?    huh  ?  why  does she want to give a chance  now  !! 

  Anjali:  stop  it khsuhi go  to  your  room  they had  some misunderstanding   and now Pamela  want to clear the  air  ...  !! ..

  Khushi:  please  ...  why    don’t  you  let  ASR  to  stay happy ?  why  are forcing him to  get tangle  with  this  woman  who  doesn’t have hold any value  for him!! 

 Nani:  khushi  if  you  don’t stop  arguing  you will get  slap  from me !! go back  to  your  room ..have  you forgotten  your manners  how  to behave w ith elders  it seems .. pamperness   have  spoilt   you .>( khsuhi  pressed her lips and  without  waiting  for   a  second  she rushed upstairs  crying ..) 


Hp :  (  knocking  the door  )  khushi  baby ji  your  dinner  ...  !! 

Khushi  ( barked  inside  from the  locking door)  just  get  lost  you crepy creature  I  do  not  want   to  have  anything  just  get  lost  ..  ( she  shout  from  inside  while   hp   jerked  up  .. haering her angry  tone  in  this   house  if  he  fear  the most  then  one is  arnav’s anger and second is khushi’s moodswings  these  two  are  just  unpredictable ..      hp  heard  some  broken  sound and  did not  wait  there  .. and  just  rushed  out from there) 

Hp  walked back  to  the  kitchen to keep  the  plates  back  over there when    anjali stopped  him .. 

  Anjali:  what happen  ? 

 Hp:  anjali  di  ..  baby  ji  looking very  angry and seems to breaking  things ..  ( anjali placed  her  hand on  her  forehead it’s  very  bad habit  of  khushi  whenever  she  got  angry  she   took out her anger   by breaking things  ) 

 Anjlai  looked  at nani and  said 

 Anjali:  from   the  time  she  came  back  she locked  herself  .. and  did not  even took   a bite  !! .. 

Nani:  do  I scold  her  much  ?i should talk to her    ( anjali  sighed  )

 Anjali:  she will  not listen to nayone  you know nah  how  stubborn  she  is ..(  that’s  when  their  eyes  fell on  arnav  who  just  returned back  from his office  he  looked  at  them   with qwestioning  eyes) 

Arnav ; what   happen  you  guys looking  worried  ? 

  Anjali: ( went to  him)  accah  hua  chotte  you  came  back  you  know   khushi have  locken  herself  in  the room and  going on breaking things  !!

SS: AJEEB DASTAAN HAI YEH -A STRANGE LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now