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PART  7 :

Khushi  was   laying on the  bed while hugging her big fat  teddy  while  remembering  the  days  event  she  closed  her eyes  recalling  arnav’s  words .. 

  “  khushi  I  want to  explore  this  feeling  with  you ..” 

“  I  will try to make the future of this  relationship  ..end with  a commitment “

“  I  want  you  “

  (  khushi opened  her  eyes and picked  out   the photograph  from below  her pillow she rolled and lay  flat  on the bed  on her back while  holding  the  photo in her hand and     kissed  the  picture  with  a  nousy  sound   ) 

   Khushi:  I  always  knew  it ..  and  I  am looking  forward  for  this realtiosnhip  with  you ..and  I  know  unlike  Pam  ...  My  love  is  not  a  fake and  it will make our relationship  lasts  .. 


Arnav   was  sitting  on  the recliner while keeping  his laptop  on  his lap ..and was doing  some  official  work  but  he  could  hardly able to concerntrate  on  his  work ..  Khuhsi’s  face  was  reflecting infront  of  his  eyes  ...  he   keep his laptop away  and  got  up  from  the  recliner  and  walked  out  of  the room ..

  He  enter  Khushi’s room  without making  noise  ...  and  after  entering  the  sight infront of  him mesmerized him fully .. 

 Khushi  was  sleeping  while   spreading herself all over  the  bed and   the  teddy bear was  over her chest ..  her lips were formed    into a perfect  pout ..  arnav walked  toward  her  .. and   slowly adjust her blanket  on  her  and placed a kiss on her  forehead  but not before caressing her  forehead .. she  was looking like  a sleeping beauty ..

  Khushi:  ( stirred)  Asr    I  ..  love  you .. love  you  so much  ..  9 arnav  was little  taken  back  and  looked  at  her only  to  find  her cuddling the  teady more  in  sleep    she  was dreaming  ... him ... really  even  in sleep she is humming same  song   ..  she  is  crazy ... )   

 Arnav : ( smile glancing  him) pagal  hai  .. lekin cute hai ..  ( he  smirked  admiring her beauty  face  . )


Next morning

   Khushi just  walk  out of the  washroom while  wrapping herself  in  a  towel and humming her favourite  song  ..  she was  really happy  today  ..  she still cant believe  that whatever happened yesterday  was  real not  any dream .. she  walked  toward  t   closet and  strated  selecting  dresses  .. but  don’t know  why  today  ..    she  is not  liking any  of her dress  from  her  collection .. 

 Khushi: (  picking  pink  dress)  chiee  look  so  ..  desi  ...  !!    ( she chewed her  underlip ...    while  flunging  it  away  on the bed  .. and then  pick another  one but  it also couldn’t satisfied  her .. she  was  selecting the  dresses  when   arnav  just  enters  the  room  calling  her  name

Arnav :  khushi  are  you     ( his  words  remained  incomplete  as khushi  turned  around  and  his eyes  went  wide seeing khushi  only  in  towel  ..    khushi too was  startle  and  gulped feeling  embarrassed   she instantly  clutched  her  dress  infront  of  her chest  ..  while  arnav  frowned  seeing  her   doing  it ...   khushi   lowered  down  hr  eyes   ..  and  then  looked at  him..  shyly  ....  it  was  such  an  emberaasing  situation .. 

SS: AJEEB DASTAAN HAI YEH -A STRANGE LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now