What a Coincidence...

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        I was on my bed doing absolutely nothing when I heard my phone go off signaling that I got a text. I didn't know who it could be due to the fact that I only have one Bestfriend and she is probably asleep. I checked it anyways.
?¿: Chase is this you?
B:No this is Brittni
?¿:Brittni? Who are you?
B:well I should be asking you the same question due to the fact you are the one who messaged me first.
?¿: my name is Payton Moormeier and I was trying to contact my Bestfriend Chase Hudson.
B:  ok my name is Brittni and idk who Chase Hudson is.
Payton: oh. Well um Hi. I am 15...how old are you?
B:Why should I tell you
Payton: because
B:Fine I am 15.
Payton:What do you look like?
B:Jees just diving right in aren't you buddy?😂 I want to see what you look like first.

ok now what do you look like

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ok now what do you look like.
B:Can I just take a moment pls.
Payton:for what?
B:to admire this picture. You are really cute.
Payton:Why thank you but I want to see what you look like pls.
B: fine...

(You send a picture of you)

  Payton:holy...you are so beautiful
B:Thank you. I gtg my mom is calling me.
Payton:bye B.
B:Bye Payton nice meeting you.
I run down the stairs to see my mom cooking.
"Hey B." She says.
"Hey mom what is it?" I ask.
"I was wondering if you would like to go to the mall with me." She asks.
"Yeah I would love to. Let me grab my phone." I say and run upstairs.
Time skip
I was in my room texting Payton and it's been about 2 weeks since I started texting him. He is really funny and precious. I hear my mom yell my name from downstairs.
I go down the stairs to see my mom.
"Hey honey."
"Hey mom. What did you need me for." I asked.
"Well I have a friend and her two teenagers coming over for dinner and I just wanted to let you know."
"Ok.when will they be here?" I asked. "At 5:30" it was currently 4:00.
"ok." I responded.
I went up to my room and idk why but I felt like messaging Payton.
B=Brittni and P=Payton
B:I am honestly really bored rn.
P:same my mom is forcing us to go to one of her friends house for dinner.
B:lol what a coincidence my mom is having a friend over and she is bringing her two teenagers.
P:wait where do you live? Cause I live in Mooresville North Carolina
P:No way are we actually going to meet each other
B: maybe that would be awesome.
P:well I gtg get ready bye
B: I have to do the same bye
End of messages
I walk over to my closet and open it. I pick out a black shirt with some black shorts and some black fish net leggings. It was 5:00 when James got home...gross. James is my mom's boyfriend. He abuses me. My mom doesn't know and I will not tell her because he said if she finds out he will hurt her as well and I don't want that to happen.He has raped me 2 times. All the other times he has tried to but I would kick him in his nuts which of course gave me an even worse beating afterwards but it's better than getting raped. I then hear the doorbell ring.
"I'LL GET IT!!¡!" I yell.
I run downstairs to the door. I open it and I see a boy my age,taller than me,golden brownish blondish hair with dark brown eyes in front of me. He engulfs me in a hug. I of course hug back. (If you haven't figured it out yet the boy is Payton) Payton walks into my house never letting go of me and when we get to a nice open space he twirls me around and around. He finally put me down. He looks at me.
"Hi to you too." I say laughing.
"hi." He says laughing as well.
His mom and his sister along with my mom are standing there in shock. Payton and I look at each other and laugh.
"How do y'all know each other?"my mom asked.
"Well...we two weeks ago and by met I mean texted." I said laughing a little. Payton let out a little chuckle.
"I was originally trying to message Chase but instead I had the privilege of accidentally messaging this beauty." Payton said while looking at me.
I blushed.
"Well I should probably introduce myself,my name is Brittni."I say shaking Payton's mom's hand.
I then say hi to his sister.
"Hey Brittni dinner won't be ready for another 45minutes so if you want to show them around the house you can." "Ok." I say.
Faith looked at me and said "I don't want to go I am fine sitting on the couch."
"Ok."I smiled.
It was just me and Payton. We started walking and I showed him where the bathroom was and then I started walking to my room. Payton was right behind me. I opened my bedroom door and walked in.Payton walked in right after me and shut the door behind him. I sat down on my bed.
"So...are you originally from North Carolina?" Payton asked trying to start conversation.
"Actually no. I am originally from Arkansas and so is my friend Bailee but we both moved here last summer because our moms work the same jobs and they both got the same promotion." I responded.
"Wow well isn't that just plain out luck." Payton laughed.
"I know right." I laughed along with him.
"So are you in a relationship?" Payton asked.
"I haven't been in one for two years for to the fact that my last relationship didn't go so well. My Ex we had been dating for about 5 months and come to find out he was cheating on me for 3 months."I said.
"Oh...Brittni...I'm so sorry."he said sitting down beside me on my bed.
"It's ok. I just haven't really trusted anyone since." I said."Well you can trust me." Payton said while side hugging me. James then busted through my door. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BRITTNI!!!!"he yelled. "WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!" I yelled back."YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!DO YOU HERE ME!?!???!!!"I didn't answer. "I SAID DO YOU HERE ME?!?!?"I still didn't answer."Hey can you calm down we where just hugging." Payton said kinda frustrated. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?"James yelled. "I am Payton and I know for a fact that you have no right to yell at her like that." Payton said still frustrated but calmly. "Payton just go." I said not wanting him to get hurt."Brittni no I just told you that you can trust me,I am going to protect you." Payton said while looking at me. "Payton..."I said softly." Brittni it's fine,I promise." Payton said softly to me. "DID I FUCKING GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TALK TO MY FUCKING DAUGHTER?!?!???!"James yelled at Payton. "YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!!!YOU WILL NEVER BE MY DAD!I HATE YOU!!A FATHER NEVER FUCKING ABUSES HIS CHILDREN!!YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!AT LEAST MY ACTUAL FATHER DOESN'T TRY TO FUCKING KILL ME!!HE STAYS OUT OF MY LIFE AND YOU SHOULD TOO!" I yelled at James which soon earned me a hard slap across the face.  A tear slid down my cheek. Payton forced me behind him. "Ok. My mom and Brittni's mom are downstairs along with my older sister. Do you really want them to hear you? Do you really want to go to jail?"Payton calmly said to James. James looked as if he was thinking. "This is not over." He said walking out of my room. Payton turned around and once again engulfed me in a huge hug. I cried into his chest. His head was on top of mine. He was rubbing my back up and down to calm me down. "It's going to be ok. I will get you out of this. I will not let him hurt you again." He kept repeating to me over and over. "Does your mom know?" He asked me."No. The only person that knew was Bailee and now you." I said between cries,struggling to get every word out. "Hey.Shshsh.Ok. It's going to be ok. I promise." Payton told me. He then kissed the top of my head. "Maybe you can come over to my house tonight." Payton said."Yeah that would be nice." I said. "DINNER!"My mom yelled which caused me to jump a little. "It's ok. Let's go eat." Payton said very softly. While we were walking down the stairs I said "Just telling you now, my mom can cook pretty damn good." I said letting out a small laugh. "I'll be the judge of that." Payton said back while smiling causing me to let out another little laugh. We went to the kitchen and sat at the table. I sat between Payton and my mom. James was beside my mom and beside him was Faith. Beside Faith was Joanne. My mom had made stuffed chicken breast with the side of corn and mashed potatoes. (I know this is a very "southern meal" but let me tell you it is very freaking good. My mom and I cook all the time.Anyways enough of my life,back to the story.lol) "So Payton..do you have a girlfriend?" My mom asked."mom!" I said only loud enough for her to hear and I also kicked her leg under the table. She snickered. " No ma'am ." "Please call me Stacy.ma'am makes me feel old." My mom said while laughing. Payton looked at me as I put my hand on my forehead in annoyance. He let out a small chuckle. I smiled at him. I went back to eating when I felt someone's hand on my thigh. There could only be one person. I looked down and it was Payton just as I guessed. I looked at him and smiled. He returned the smile. 

Ok so this is my new story. I hope y'all like it. I think this chapter turned out really good but everything kinda moved a little fast but oh well I think it is good. Tell me what you think. Bye love y'all.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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