"OmG iS tHaT a PuPpY?!"😂❤️🌷

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We decided on the name Blue.(A/N-thank y'all for the name suggestions. Blue was the most common one I saw. Someone said to name him Alaska and I was originally going to name him that but I decided to let y'all decide.❤️💫.)
Skip till we get home
I still have Blue in my shirt. We walk into the house and then I remember that Faith should be home.
"Hey babe, shouldn't Faith be home?" I ask Payton as he unlocks the door.
"Yeah actually she should be." He says and we walk in.
There she was on the couch watching Netflix.
"Hey Faith." I say.
"Hi Brit." She says back.
"What's all the stuff for?" She asks.
"Um well I rescued a puppy. Kinda. " I say.
"OMG where is it? I want to see." She says getting up from the couch and walking over to me.
I take Blue out of my shirt and hand him to Faith.
"His name is Blue." I say.
"Omg he is so cute. What are you going to about tour?" She asks.
"I'm bringing him." I say.
"Well, our hotel is dog friendly plus he will help me with my anxiety and shit because yeah." I say giving him a little pat on the head.
"Ok that sounds fun." She says handing Blue back to me.
"Yeah. Well nice talking to you." I say walking up the stairs.
"You too."
Payton already went up to our room. I walk up stairs and he is laying on our bed. When I walk in his head turns too face me.
"Hey Babygirl." He says.
"Hey Payt." 
He gets up and gives me a slight peck. He then pulls away. I go back for another kiss and he of course kisses back. I pull away.
"I am going to give Blue a bath and pack his stuff in my suitcase." I say.
"Can I help and also can we cuddle afterwards because I'm in the mood for cuddling right now." Payton says.
"Yes of course." I say letting out a small laugh.
I start to run some warm bath water. When it is the perfect temperature I put Blue in it. Payton walks over with the puppy soap. Blue looks at us and starts to play around in the water.
"Aw." I say.
I splash the water and he tries to chase it. This is actually the cutest thing in the world. I make sure his fur is wet.
"Payton could you put a small drop of the soap on him?" I ask.
Payton puts some soap on blue and we both start to scrub him clean. In the process he shakes and soap goes everywhere. Payton and I look at each other and we both have soap on us. We just start to laugh. We finish giving Blue a bath and I take him out and he shakes and flings water everywhere.
"Ah." I say.
Payton looks at me and smiles. We finish drying him off and we dry ourselves in the process. We go back to Our room and I sat up puppy pads a bowl of food and water and his cage. I don't usually like to keep dogs in cages but he needs to be crate trained for tour. He will roam around the room until we go to bed then I'll put him in his cage. I pack all the stuff for him and I go and lay down with Payton.
"Yay cuddles." He says and pulls me on top of him.
We are just laying there. He kisses the top of my head.
"I love you." Payton says.
"I love you too." I say looking up at him.
Payton then kisses me. He turns me over and deepens the kiss. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I deny.
⚠️Warning to anyone and everyone who is a child of God, this does get a little dirty but they don't do the dirty😏😉⚠️
He slides his tongue across my bottom lip again and I once again deny. He puts his hand up my shirt. The coldness of his hands make me flinch. He grabs my hips and pull me down more. He squeezes my thigh. The sudden movement making me gasp. Payton takes the chance to slide his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues start to fight for dominance. Payton of course wins. He stars to trail wet kisses down my neck. He then starts to leave love bites.
"Everyone on tour-" he leaves another love bite making me whimper.
"Has to know-" and another
"That you are mine and not theirs." Payton says leaving yet another love bite. I turn Payton so I'm now on top. I did the same thing he did except for mine are real hickeys and let me tell you with his pale skin they are daaaarrk. He lets out a small groan. I bring my lips up to his and kiss him again. I feel the bed move and I look over and see Blue.
⚠️Semi Dirty Part is over for the Holy Children⚠️(I have the right to make these jokes because I'm a holy child myself. I go to church every Sunday.)
He looks at me with his head turned sideways.
"What's up baby?" I ask in a baby voice talking to blue.
I'm sitting on Payton's stomach right now. Blue walks over and puts his paws on my knees. I scratch the top of his head and he crawls on top of Payton. I get off and lay down beside Payton.
"What is he doing?" Payton asks.
"He likes you." I say back.
Blue lays down on Payton's stomach. Payton starts to pet him and so do I.
"He is going to be kinda like our child." Payton says.
"Yeah I guess." I say while smiling.
I look at the times and it is 1:00 a.m.
"We should go to bed." I say.
"Yeah it's getting late." Payton replies.
I pick Blue up and put him in his crate. He looks at me with those beautiful eyes.
"I'm sorry baby but I don't want you to have an accident at night." I say.
I put food and water in there along with a stuff animal we bought him. I pet him and then kiss the top of his head.
"Goodnight Blue, I love you." I say and close the crate.
I walk over to the bed and get under the covers.
"Babe," Payt says
"Blue looks sad." He says.
"I know but he has to get used to his crate." I say.
"Can't he get used to it tomorrow? He can sleep with us tonight." Payton says.
"Babe I don't know he needs to get used to it."
"Well too bad he is my child too." Payton says and gets up. He walks over to Blue's crate and gets him out. I laugh. Payton walks back to the bed with Blue and lays down. Payton sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes and laugh.
"Payton we should really get to bed now."
"Alright. We get to go on a plane tomorrow." Payton says.
"Babe I know."
"I was talking to Blue." He says in a playful sassy voice.
I laugh. I get closer to Payton and he puts one of his arms around me. The other one is busy petting Blue.
"I love you." Payton says.
"I love you too."
"I wAs TaLkInG tO bLuE." Payton says.
"Oh shut up you love me too." I say laughing at the end.
"Yeah you're right."
He gives me a soft kiss on the lips and we go to bed.
5:30 A.M
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. I look over and Payton is laying on his side with Blue in his arms. Aw. I take a picture and post it on Instagram with the caption love them but they snore😂💤
I slightly shake Payton. He doesn't move. I shake him a little bit more. He sits up and rubs his eyes.
"What time is it?" He asks in his morning voice.
"5:30. Our flight leaves at 6:35." I say.
"Mk." Payton says.
Blue sits up and yawns. He waddles over to me and lays in my lap.
"Good morning Baby." Payton says look at me
"Good morning Payt."
I get up and place Blue back on the bed. I get my clothes and go to the bathroom. I change into black leggings and one of Payton's hoodies. I put my hair in a messy bun and do my eyebrows and mascara and that's it. I walk out and Payton is in grey sweatpants and a hoodie. I brush my teeth and so does Payton.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yup." Payton responds with a smile.
I put Blue in his carry on bag and bring my suitcase out and put it in the car. Payton does the same.
"Isn't Faith driving us to the airport?" I ask.
"She sure is, Babygirl." He says with a smile.
Skip plane and car ride because I'm lazy as hell
We arrive at the hotel. DAMN! This is fucking huge.(that's what she said.) Payton just walks into the lobby like its his living room while I look around in amazement. He gets our room key.
"Room 329. Noen and Chase said their room is 328 so we should be right next to each other." Payton says picking his bags up.
"Alright cool." I say.
We walk into the elevator and go to our room. I let Blue out of his crate and he runs around like crazy.
"I swear he is the cutest thing." I say.
"What about me?" Payton says pretending to be hurt.
"You're the second most cutest thing." I laugh.
"I better be." Payton says tackling me on the bed and starts to tickle me.
I start to laugh.
"Pa-a-yy-ton StOp." I say in between laughs.
"Not unless you say I'm the hottest and sexiest guy you've ever seen." He says while smiling.
"I'm--tHe ho-t-t-est aNd se-x-iI-eSt g-Uy y-ou-vE e-Ve-r se-e-en." I say in between laughs.
"That's not what I meant." He says tickling me more.
So I say what he actually meant and he stops.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say back.
We hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it. There stood Chase Hudson, Jayden Hossler,Anthony Reeves, Luca Chafer, Cash Baker, Jake Fuller, Noen Eubanks, And Josh Richards.
"Um I'm guessing y'all are the other ones going on tour?" I say more like a question.
"Yeah." Jake says smiling at me.
"Come in." I say.
Everyone comes in and when people sit down I guess Blue heard people and ran out of our bedroom to greet everyone. He first goes to Noen.
"OmG iS tHaT a PuPpY?!" Cash practically yells which gets Blue's attention.
"Um yeah, Payton and I got him yesterday and I decided to bring him on tour to help with my anxiety." I say.
"Yeah, his name is Blue. He is very sweet as you can tell." Payton says laughing.
Blue makes all his rounds to make sure to get everyone's attention and love.
"I wish Randi was here." Cash says while sighing.
"Yeah I wish Randi was here too so I wouldn't be the only girl." I say.
"Maybe...I could buy her a plane ticket to Miami, Florida(Where our first stop is and where everyone is currently.) and she could stay on tour with us for the rest of the month." Cash says really excitedly.
"Yeah that sounds pretty dope." I say.
"Alright I'm doing it." He says.
"Ooo." The boys all say.
I look at Jake and he smiles at me again. I feel like we are going to become good friends.
Cash calls Randi to make sure everything sounds good.
Randi's POV(This is for you boo. Love you❤️😘🌷)
I was listening to WDW new song and eating Takis when I got a call. Cash😘
Bold=Cash italic=Randi (I'm trying something new.)
Hey, so I was wondering if I bought you a plane ticket to Miami and told you that you could go on the rest of tour with us, would you be cool with that?
Yeah. I would love to go on tour. Isn't Brittni there?
Yeah she brought her new puppy too. I just bought the plane ticket and sending it to you over email. You should be leaving 5:40 am tomorrow.
Alright thank youuuuu. Also Brit has a puppy?
Yes and he is the cutest thing ever.
Actually you're the cutest thing ever.
No you. Well I have to go bye love you.
Did you just say you love me?
Yeah I guess I did. Wow.
Well I love you too. Bye
I hang up. Wow. He said he loved me. Out of no where I started to do the renegade. Brit has a puppy? She never told me about this. Oh well I'll see her and Cash tomorrow. I think I'm in love with a boy I just met a few days ago. What am I going to do. My mom walks into my room.
"I'm going on tour for a month and leaving tomorrow." I say.
"Alright as long as you make money and don't get into too much trouble, you're fine." She says and walks away.
Hm that was easier than expected.
Soooo...this chapter definitely isn't long overdue or anything...HEAR ME OUT......boys are distracting and make you day dream about their perfect faces and give you butterflies. Yes I still have that crush on that guy. Also I've been growing my hair out for 11 years and I got tired of it and cut it last Sunday. So yeah. I have kinda shoulder length hair but a little longer than that. Hopefully this long chapter makes up for me not updating. Love y'all.

Fan account: iits_mybaby_payton
REMEMBER: if y'all have nothing nice to say about this book then don't say anything at all. If you have a problem with this book then don't read it. So if you are one of those people(you know who you are) then leave now. Thank y'all.

From Mistake to "I love you."(Payton Moormeier fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon