Boy💙 or Girl💖?

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I stand there just staring at the test. Staring at the thing that confirmed my life will change in 9 months. Tears start coming out of my eyes and I look at Payton. He is standing there with his jaw practically touching the ground and tears welling up in is eyes. A baby? I wasn't ready for a baby. I'm happy but I just don't know how this will go.
"You're pregnant. YOU'RE PREGNANT! IM GOING TO BE A DAD!" Payton yells and picks me up and twirls me around.
He has tears streaming down his face as do I. He puts me down and grabs my waist and pulls me in close to him.
"The love of my life is going to have my beautiful baby." He says with a huge grin on his face.
He plants his lips on mine. A very strong and passionate kiss. A very happy kiss.
"I'm so happy." He says while leaning his head against mine.
"So am I." I say and smile.
"I'm going to be a dad. You are going to be a mom. We have to think of names. What if it's a girl? I want a girl. I also want a boy but I really want a girl. Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asks.
"Payton I'm fine. I'll call my doctor and get a check up to make sure everything looks fine and then we will just proceed our normal lives and after a little bit we will have a little one and a wedding." I say while smiling.
"Ok." Payton says while grinning from ear to ear.
Hopefully his fans don't find out I don't want neither of us getting any hate. Payton intertwines our fingers and we walk back to our bedroom. I grab my phone and call my doctors office.
"I'm so excited. When do we tell the others?" Payton asks while slightly jumping on the bed.
"Sh Payt, I love you but calm the fuck down man." I say and we laugh.
My doctor picks up .
"Hello?" She says.
"Hey Dr.Fox. This is Brittni Rayburn. I found out that I was pregnant and I just want to call in to plan a check up." I say.
"Ok I can fit you in Friday." She says.
"Ok thank you." I say and hang up.
Payton looks at me with happiness filling his eyes.
"We better start planning a gender reveal party." I say.
"Yes!" He says.
"It will be a few more weeks until we can find out the gender but instead of us finding out I'll tell the doctor to send it to my mom and she'll plan how we find out." I say.
"Eee! I'm so excited!" He says jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store.
I let out a small laugh and shake my head.
"I want the girl name to be Anastasia." He says while laying his head down on the pillow.
"Why?" I ask genuinely curious.
"I've always really liked that name for some odd reason. I just think it's a beautiful name." Payton says and looks at me with that beautiful smile of his plastered on his face.
"It is a very pretty name." I say and lay down next to him.
"Can I go with you to the doctor appointment?" He asks.
"Of course you can. You are the father after all." I say.
"Good." He says and smiles.
"Are we going to tell anyone today?" He asks.
"Not today. Maybe in a week or two."
"Ok baby. I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say and smile at him.
"Payton! Hurry we are going to be late." I yell up the stairs as Payton comes running down.
"I'm here I'm here. Now let's go." He says and gives me a slight peck on the lips.
We quickly run out to the car and get in. Payton starts driving to the hospital. He turns on the radio and places his hand on my thigh. I place my hand over top of his and smile down at the sight. I can't believe that I'm going to marry one of my best friends.

We soon arrive at the hospital and I get checked in and blah blah.
"Rayburn." The lady calls out my last name signaling it's my time to go in the back.
I grab Payton's hand and we walk into the spot where they weigh you and measure your height.
"You are 5'1 and 146 pounds." The lady says to me.
Man I've gained some weight.
"Ha! You are so short." Payton says.
I hit his arm playfully.
"Shut up. We already knew that." I say.
(A/N shortness actually does run in my family. I'm 5'0 and almost 15 years old and my mom is 5'3 and is 37. My grandmother is 5'1 and she is 63. Thanks for listening. Lmao.)
The nurse sends us to the ultrasound room and I lay down on the bed. She puts the gel stuff on my belly and then the little ultrasound thingy.
"Well Ms. Rayburn you are pregnant. You aren't far along enough to see the gender. I recommend you come back in 8 weeks and I'll be able to tell you the gender." The lady says.
I look up at Payton and smile. He returns the smile and looks back at the monitor.
"When we come here for the gender I don't want to know what it is. I want you to send it to my mom." I say.
"Ok we will worry about that when the time comes." She says and smiles at me.
She wipes the gel off of me and sends us on our marry way.
"Payton I-" I get cut of by the sound of a soft sob.
"Payton? Baby? Are you crying?" I ask and turn him to face me.
I feel my face soften as I see a Payton with tear filled eyes. He nods at me. I pull him into a hug and feel his tears soak the back of my shirt.
"Are you ok? What's wrong? Did I do something?" I ask worried.
"N-no. I'm j-us-t happ-y." He stutters onto my neck.
I feel tears run down my cheeks as I realize this man is truly happy about this baby.
"I am to." I say as I hug him even tighter.
We soon get back into the car and drive back to the house.
"Should we tell everyone?" I ask.
"Yeah I think it's time." Payton says.

We arrive at the house and Payton texts everyone to meet in the living room. Randi comes down with Lily in her arms and Cash right beside her. Chase and Charli (I know they aren't together anymore but just keep it for the story.) sit down on the couch.
"What's up?" Chase asks.
"Well...we have some news." I say.
"WE ARE PREGNANT!" Payton screams.
"I mean Brittni but you get the point." Payton says and hugs me.
I giggle softly as everyone congratulates us and we have a mini party. Just us and some pizza nothing else.

We just got home from the doctors office and we have no idea what the gender of the baby is. We got to hear the heart beat and it was the most amazing moment ever. Payton cried more than I did. Dr.Fox said she sent the results to my mom. We told my mom and Payton's family about the pregnancy and it went very well. Tears were shed. I told my mom about her and Joanne setting up the gender reveal and she was beyond excited about that. I've gotten bigger since the last time we've talked and Payton is just obsessed. He comes home from work(yes work.) and 'speaks' to the baby. It's really adorable. But for now we just sit here and wait for the gender reveal. Just wait.

We are currently getting off of a plane to go to my old house which my mom lives in. By 'we' I mean me,Payton,Randi,Lily, Cash, Chase, and Charli. We are on our way to the gender reveal. Payton is decked out in pink clothing. He is really hopping for a girl. I am wearing both blue and pink clothing because I want both.
"I'm so excited!" Payton practically screams.
"I know baby. So am I." I say and laugh at his over excitement.

We arrive at the house that used to be mine and walk into the back yard. My mom runs up to me and gives me a huge hug.
"I've missed you so much B!" She says.
"I've missed you to mom." I say and hug her back.
We pull away and I see Faith, Joanne, and Chris all gathered around Payton. Aw. They pull away and Faith and Joanne make their way over to me.
"Oh my goodness Brittni. Are you excited?" Joanne asks.
"Of course I am. Payton is more excited than I am though." I say.
We laugh.
"Can I touch your belly?" Faith asks.
"Go ahead." I feel around my belly and feel the baby laying against the left side.
"Look." I say and guide Faiths hand to my left side.
She feels the baby and smiles up at me.
"That's so cool." She says.
"Yeah." I say and laugh.
"Brit and Payton, ready?" My mom asks.
Payton walks his way over to me and we both nod.
"Ok since Joanne and I couldn't think of anything normal, we decided to be really extra because that's all I could think of. Now if you would please go on the trending page for Instagram." My mom says.
Payton and I look at each other weirdly and get on our phones. We go to the trending page and see the #1 photo. All it says is Look Up. Payton and I look at each other and look up to see and plane writing in the sky with pink writing....
It's a girl.

I know I know it's crap and I should've written it better but it's a chapter. Unpopular opinion: people are starting to miss the old Payton. I don't really have a say in this because I'm not sure if I miss the old Payton or not.
So I hope everyone is doing ok. I hope this isn't too bad of a chapter. Love y'all.
-Brittni ❤️💕

Fan account: iits_mybaby_payton
REMEMBER: if y'all have nothing nice to say about this book then don't say anything at all. If you have a problem with this book then don't read it. So if you are one of those people(you know who you are) then leave now. Thank y'all

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