So...don't murder me

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Ok ok I hate it when people dedicate whole updates to a/n but yet here I am. I mainly just did this to explain why I haven't been updating. So basically I've had some MAJOR writers block. I usually pre write my chapters and then type them but I lost my notebook and that means I can't remember shit. Anyways, I'm slowly working on the next chapter and I only have around 300 words. Like I said I am working on it SLOWLY because I just flat out forgot what I was going to write about. I plan on getting it out soon but idk when. I also have other things keeping me from writing. For instance, AMI work. Our school decided to send us packets every week and we have to do them or we won't pass to the next grade. I have also started my own business in a way. I have loved painting since forever and my mom took one of my paintings to work with her one day and someone bought it. Her boss said he is completely fine with me selling paintings at the building so people have been giving me orders and the painting price ranges from $15-$25. I have sold 8 paintings and currently have $143.(I spent some of it😂.) so I have orders backing up and it's just kinda consumed my whole schedule. I even had a guy request when this quarantine is over if I could paint a Llama on his daughters bedroom wall.(of course my mom will be there because I'm not trying to die but we know the dude.) so enough about me, how are y'all doing? What has been your go to food? Mine is by far Hot Cheetos. I know some of y'all are going to say that I'm destroying my stomach wall or whatever because I've eaten at least 20 full bags of hot Cheetos just in the past 3 weeks and I wish I was lying about that. What is a good show to binge watch? I currently just finished binge watching Stranger Things because I'm lame and didn't watch it until now but I'm totally obsessed. I love y'all and hope y'all are staying safe. I'm sorry about not updating but I'll update as soon as I can. Love yall❤️.
Bye loves❤️


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