I'm Bad at Naming Titles...❤️😂🌷

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-A/N: ok so I'm posting this today because I probably won't be able to post Wednesday. Just enjoy❤️😂🌷-
I wake up and look at the time.9:02am. I look down at Payton and surprisingly we stayed in the same position all night. He is still sleeping. Since we didn't have anything to do today I went back to sleep.
I wake up to someone drawing on my stomach. I look down and Payton is drawing with his finger once again on my stomach. I giggle. He looks up at me.
"Good morning, beautiful."  He says while smiling.
"Good morning, Boo." I say while letting out a little laugh.
"I honestly want to stay like this forever ." Payton said now rubbing my sides.
"Same. But we have to get up at some point." I laugh.
"I'm going to take a shower." I say about to get up.
"Whyyyyyyyyy..." Payton says whining like a 2 year old.
"Because I need to." I say while laughing.
"Fine." He says disappointment taking over his voice.
I get up and get MY body wash and other things. I take a shower and get out. I blow dry my hair and just put a t-shirt and leggings on. I also brush my teeth. I walk out and Payton is gone. I walk downstairs to start cooking breakfast when I smell something already cooking. I look and see Payton cooking eggs and bacon.
I walk up behind him.
"Ahh so he can cook too." I say.
"Yes he can but only a few things." He says back.
I laugh.
"How do you like your eggs Madame?" He asks.
"Which ways do you know how to cook them?" I ask.
"Scrambled." He says.
"Ok I will have them scrambled then." I say as he laughs.
I sit on the counter beside the stove. He takes the bacon off of the stove and starts to whisk the eggs in a cup to make them scrambled. He almost pours them in the pan when I stop him.
"Wait..." I say.
I go to the pantry and grab Greek seasoning,pepper,salt,and paprika.
I would grab others but I don't know what type of seasoning he likes.
"Here for more flavor." I say.
"How do you know this?" He asks.
"I can cook...a lot of things." I laugh.
He stares at me as I'm putting the spices in.
"Done." I say.
I whisk it once more and then let Payton take over again.
After he is done cooking, he plates our food and sets it on the table.
I start to eat.
"I am impressed." I say and laugh.
"Thank you and these eggs are amazing." He says while looking at me.
"Thank you." I say.
We get done and put our plates in the dishwasher. As we are walking up the stairs Payton says
"Since we have no plans today do you want to invite a few friends over?"
"Yeah." I respond.
We go into his bedroom and I call Bailee and ask her if she wants to come over.
Ba=Bailee B=Brittni
B:"Hey Bailee do you wanna come over to Payton's house and hangout?"
Ba:"yeah sure...can I bring Tyler?"
B:"I don't see why not."
"Payton what time should they come over?" I ask
"Ummm...12." He says back.
B:"y'all can come around 12."
Ba:"ok bye."
"Ok so Bailee is coming and she is bringing Tyler."
"Ok so my friends Dylan Hartman and Chase Hudson are coming." He says.
"Wait isn't that the guy you were supposed to message but instead messaged me?" I ask laughing.
"Yep. Also they don't know about you. They just know that I'm talking to someone." He says.
I stand up and start to walk to my bag. After I'm done looking through it I start to walk back over to Payton.(ok sooooo...idk why I was looking through the bag...idk why I put that in there...anyways.) as I'm just standing there looking at my phone I feel eyes on me. I look up and see Payton staring at me.
"What?" I say while smiling.
"Oh nothing it's just I realized that I think you should wear something different." He says.
"Just give me a sec." He says and walks over to his closet.
He searches through it.
"Here it is!" He says loudly.
He walks up to me.
"Put this on." He says.
"Ok even tho I am seriously just in a t-shirt and leggings." I say.
"It's not that I have a problem with your outfit it's just I want you to wear this." He says.
"Ok." I laugh.
I haven't looked at what it was yet but I know it's a hoodie.
I turn around not wanting to make the effort of walking to the bathroom. I start to lift my shirt.
"Woah...you're just going to get dressed right here?" Payton asks shocked.
"I don't feel like walking to the bathroom." I say not turning around.
I take off my shirt and put on the hoodie.
It smells exactly like him. I turn around . Payton still looking a little shocked. I laugh and walk over to the full length mirror to see what I look like. It is a black hoodie that has roses on it and says Payton Moormeier. I'm wearing this kid's merch. I walk back over to where Payton is standing. He looks at me and has the biggest smirk plastered on his face.
"Babygirl you look so good in my merch." He says.
"Thank you." I say while smiling.
His hoodie seriously goes down to my knees because of the height difference. And I know I've said this before but...it smells like him and like ugggg. I then remembered Bubbles.
I run towards Bubbles bowl and feed him.
Payton walks up behind me.
"This is my child." I say.
"I'm the one who got him for you." He says.
"I know." I laugh.
I turn around to face Payton. Next thing you know I'm against his wall with him in front of me. Kissing. He kisses so smoothly.
We stop for a second to catch our breathe. He leans his for head against mine. We are just making eye contact. I smash my lips back on his. Him smirking into the kiss. He picks me up and carries me to the bed and lays me down softly. Never breaking the kiss. His hands roaming up and down my sides. I pull away. He looks at me confused.
"Not now we have friends coming over." I say.
"Ok." Payton says trying to hide the disappointment.
He is hovering over me. He starts to plant small kisses all over my face. I'm laughing. He stops and starts to tickle me.
"Pay-ton I'm going t-t-to ug-ly lau-gh." I say between laughs.
"No such thing." He says still tickling me.
I laugh and then snort.
"NOO. AHHHH. I-I ju-st u-u-glyed laughed." I said once again through laughs.
"That was so cute." Payton says finally stoping.
"What no it wasn't it was gross."
"It was adorable Brittni." He says while laughing.
"Keep saying that." I say.
He then leans down and gives me a long but passionate kiss. I hear someone clear their throat. Payton doesn't stop. I push him off and look towards the doorway. I see two guys. One is blonde and the other brunette.
I stand up and walk towards them.
"Hi. I'm Brittni." I say as I shake both of their hands.
" hey,I'm Dylan." The blonde one says.
"And I'm Chase." The tall brunette says.
Payton walks over with his face a bright red.
"So this is the girl." Chase says while laughing.
"Yes." Payton says while putting an arm around me.
"So we can go downstairs and I also have two other people coming over." I say.
"Ok"Dylan says.
We walk down the stairs and into the living room. We all sit down and start talking. After about 10 minutes we hear the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it." I say.
I opened it and it is Bailee and Tyler.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi." They say in sync. They walk towards the couches and sit down.
I sit down by Payton.
"Soooo...what do y'all want to do?" I ask.
"We could watch a movie." Dylan suggest.
"Or how about we play truth or dare." Tyler says.
"Kiss,marry,kill?" Bailee asks.
"I have to film a YouTube video so maybe we can do like who's the most likely or something like that." Payton says.
"Im cool with anything." Chase says.
"So how about we do all of those." I say.
"Ok"everyone agrees.
Faith then comes downstairs.
"Hey Payton and Brittni, I'm going over to a friends house for the night. Don't burn the house down. Bye." She says.
"Umm...ok." I say back.
"Can we do mine first?" Payton asks.
"I was thinking truth or dare first so we can get to know each other better and then do your video. Sound good?" I say.
"Yeah." Payton says back.
"Ok let's start. Bailee, truth or dare?" Tyler asks.
"Umm...I'm going to play it safe this first round so...truth." She says.
"What was the thing you whispered to Brittni when we first met at Chick-Fil-La?" He asks.
"......I asked who the cutie was..." she says blushing.
"Aww I thought you were cute as well." He says.
"Ok, Chase truth or dare?" Bailee asks.
"DARE!" Chase yells.
"I dare you to run up the street only in your underwear." Bailee says while snickering.
"Alright." He says.
He starts taking his clothes off and Payton covers my eyes.
"Payton I was going about to look away." I laugh.
I turn to face him and I remove his hands from my eyes. He smiles. He pulls me in for another kiss. I pull away and everyone is looking at us.
"What...Jealous?" Payton says looking at all the guys.
I blush and look down at the ground.
"I have to go do the dare." Chase says while walking outside.
We all follow behind him. He runs all the way down the street and then comes back.
I laugh.
"There was some old lady and she asked me where my clothes went and I told her they got taken by a dinosaur." Chase says out of breathe.
I laugh. We go back inside.
"Payton truth or dare?" Chase asks Payton.
"Truth." Payton says.
"Wimp anyways Have you and Brittni...fucked yet?" Chase asks.
Payton looks at me.
"No because she isn't ready and I told her I would wait." He says with a smile plastered on his face.
I give him a small kiss on his cheek.
"Awwwwwww." Bailee says.
I glare at her.
Sorry she mouths back.
"Dylan,truth or Dare?" Payton says.
"Dare,all the way bro." He says back.
"Ok I dare you too...go to my neighbors house and ask if she's seen your pet dragon." Payton says while laughing.
We all stand across the street and Dylan walks to the neighbor's house and knocks on the door.
A lady around her 30's answers the door.
"Hi how may I help you?" She says.
"I was wondering if you have seen my pet dragon?" Dylan asks.
"Um...no I'm sorry." The lady says and closes the door.
I bust out in laughter.
"THAT WAS GOLDEN!" I say loudly.
We all quickly run back to the house.
"Brittni, Truth or dare?" Dylan asks me.
"I'm feeling kind of brave so dare." I say.
" ok I dare you and Payton to do seven minutes in Heaven." Dylan says while smiling.
"Ok." I say looking at Payton.
He smiles and take my hand leading me to the nearest closet.
"We don't have to-" I cut him of by kissing him. He kisses back while pushing me against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds my thighs.
"Times up love birds." A voice that sounds like Chase's says.
We walk out. Payton smiling like a goof ball and I'm just blushing.
We play a few more rounds and then stop.
"Ok I'll get my camera." Payton says while getting up.
He looks at me.
"Will you come with me?" He asks.
We all up the stairs together and he gets his camera and a get markers and paper.
We all back downstairs and everyone is talking.
Payton sets his camera up and I write down all of our names on papers. I hand the papers. At the beginning of truth or dare Payton asked his fans on Instagram for some questions.
"Hey guys. Today we will be doing the most likely challenge. I also have with me, Dylan,Chase,Tyler,Tyler's soon to be girlfriend Bailee, and this beautiful human right here, Brittni." He says pointing to everyone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ok so I'm going to end this chapter right here. The YouTube vid will continue in the next chapter.
Excuse spelling mistakes because I usually redo the chapters but I didn't have time for this one...sorry❤️
Bye Loves❤️🌷

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