3AM talks😂❤️🌷💕

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I quickly wake up breathing heavily. Just a nightmare. I look down at Payton and hear soft snores. Aw. I take his arm off of me and walk downstairs. I go in the kitchen. I fix me a glass of water. I hear something move I quickly turn around. It was just Chase.
"Oh hi. What are you doing up?" I ask.
"Couldn't sleep what about you?" He asks.
"Woke up from a nightmare."
He fixed himself a glass of water.
"So...tell me about yourself. If you're going to be with Payton I need to know you better." Chase says.
"Ok...my names Brittni...well you already knew that. Anyways I love animals. I'm an only child. I live with my wonderful mother and her shitty ass boyfriend James. I want to go to college to be a Veterinarian and I want 4 kids when I'm older."
"Damn. Um...don't tell Payton I told you this because he didn't want you to get pissed at him and please don't get mad at him because it was an accident and he didn't mean to say it but...he said you've gotten raped."
"I-I...how?-what?...I-um yes that's true." I said clearing my throat.
"By who? Who was the bastard that did that to you?" Chase said.
"It's happened more then once and it was...James. My mom doesn't know. Payton and I are going to tell the police as soon as my mom and him get back from their business trip. He's abused me as well...several times. I have proof. I've hidden a camera in my room and I have scars all over my body to prove it." I say trying to cover the fact that I'm about to cry.
"If you don't mind can I see the scars I want to see how bad he hurt you so I can know how bad I have to hurt him."
I laugh.
I show him my legs my back and worst of all my stomach. He has cut me pretty deep on my stomach. Not enough to make me bleed out and die but deep enough to leave very ugly scars.
"Brittni I'm-Im so sorry that you have to go through this." Chase says and brings me into a tight hug. I hug him back.
We pull away.
"You know Payton loves you a lot." Chase says.
" I love him a lot too." I say.
"Brittni did he ever tell you he was in a state of depression before he met you? He was for real depressed. He has been cheated on. Lied too and just tossed out like an old toy. That few days y'all were apart he was a mess. He didn't come out of his room. His mom called me over to see if I could help but he would just cry and tell me how bad he messed up. He was not ok. He would still eat but he was always in bed. He was a mess. He was worried that you would get together with that Asher dude. He also said that he didn't deserve you and that you had every right to be pissed at him. Brittni he loves you like a lot a lot." Chase said.
"...Payton has helped me through a lot of shit and I've helped him. I love him. People kept telling me how much happier he has been since he's met me but I've never truly had a relationship. I didn't know what to do. He was my first kiss. He is everything I could ever want. I love him. I see a future with him. " I say.
"I hope y'all stay together." Chase says.
"I hope we do too."
I yawn.
"Well I'm going back to bed. Goodnight Chase. It was nice talking to you." I say walking away.
"Goodnight Brittni. Nice talking to you too."
I walk upstairs and in our room. I get in bed and feel someone immediately wrap their arms around me. I look and see Payton is still asleep. Must have been a reaction.
"Goodnight Payt." I whisper and kiss his forehead.
I lay down and put my head on his chest and soon fall asleep.
HAHA TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY!! Yes they are short but they are updates. Drop some ideas in the comments please and I might use your ideas and I might not but if I do I'll give the credit to you. Wait that rhymed. Anyways goodnight or good morning or good afternoon whatever time it is where you live.
Fan account: iits_mybaby_payton
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