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Me and Payton ended up finishing Birdbox. "Can we take a picture?" Payton asks. "Ok yeah." He then kisses my head and takes a picture. "Ok so if you didn't know already I am "well-known" and yeah. Anyways, I want to post this picture but I can't have your face showing because you will get a lot of hate and plus we aren't even official yet. So I am going to post this picture on my Instagram but I am going to scribble out your face?¿ is that ok with you?" Payton asks. "Yeah I don't mind. What's your Instagram?¿" I say. " iitspayton. What's yours?¿" he says. "brittni_libra" I say. (A/N: that isn't my actual username and I know that it is stupid but I had to think of one fast and yeah. But where is my #librasquad at??"lol....anyways. I'm not going to put my main Instagram on here but my fan account for Payton on Instagram is iits_mybaby_payton ok sorry shameless plug but back to the story.) I find his Instagram and he has over 700k. I only have like 193 followers. I follow him. A few seconds later I get a notification I check it and she that Payton followed me back. I look up and smile at him. "I just got done posting the picture." Payton says. " ok also can you send that picture to me it was cute." "Yeah sure." I go back on Payton's instagram and see the picture.

(Remember that her face is blurred out and they are in his bedroom with pjs on not in like these wintery clothes

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(Remember that her face is blurred out and they are in his bedroom with pjs on not in like these wintery clothes.)
iitspayton: Most wonderful girl
In the world.
Fan1: omg who is it
Fan2:he didn't leave tags😢😢😢
Fan3: ahhhhh he finally got a gf
Hater1:she's probably a whore
Hater2: agreed hater1
iitspayton: umm excuse you hater1 and hater2 but she is the most wonderful girl I have met and she is NOT a whore in anyway possible.
*end of post*
Aww he is so sweet. I look at Payton and smile. I think I like him even though we just met today. Oof. "We should probably get to bed it is 12:00." Payton said. "Yeah we wouldn't want to be tired for tomorrow." I respond. I lay down and soon feel an arm snake around my waist. Payton pulls me closer to him. I turn around to where I am facing him. He looks at me. Out of no where he kisses me. We pull apart after a while. "Goodnight b" Payton says. "Goodnight Payton love you." I then realized what I just said. "Sorry it was a reaction I didn't mean to-" I was interrupted with a pair of lips on mine. After the kiss I settle back down and I couldn't go to sleep. I look at Payton and I think he is asleep. I'm thirsty. I try to unhook myself from Payton but his grip gets tighter. "Where you going b?" Payton asks. "Just to get some water." I respond. I go to get water and when I go to get a cup I am too short to reach the damn thing. That's when I feel someone behind me. It's Payton. He gets a cup and laughs. "You're so short." "Shut up" I say. We walk back to his room and I laid down on his bed. He turned off the light and walked towards the bed. After we get situated the position we are in was very comfortable. Basically, his arms was around my waist with my arms also wrapped around him while my head was on his bare chest. "Goodnight B." Payton said. "Goodnight Payton." We soon fall asleep.

I jolt awake remembering the nightmare I had just awoken from. I was breathing very heavily. I then feel the bed move around. It was Payton. I looked at his clock and it read 4:16 am. My nightmare was about James killing my mom. I then feel arms around my waist again. I look to my side and Payton had woken up. He was hugging me from behind. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I say feeling really bad. "It's alright. Let me guess bad dream?" He says."yeah. I know it's stupid but I have anxiety about these dreams and yeah." I respond." What was it about?" Payton asks with concern in his voice. "Well long story short it was about Janes killing my mom and yeah." I say trying to hold back tears. Payton then pulls me on his lap and put his head in the crook of my neck. "It's ok B. As long as I'm here nothing like that will happen because we are going to take care it. I promise." Payton says. "Thank you Payton." I say. "I'm still sorry about waking you up."I say. " it's ok. I just want to make sure that you were alright." He says making me smile. "Ok I think I can go back to bed now." I say still shaking "you sure because you still seem scared." Payton says. " it's fine I promise." I respond." Ok." Payton says then he kisses my cheek and I get off his lap. I lay down and he is right up against my back. I close my eyes. I soon drift off to sleep.
The morning
I soon wake up and immediately check the time. It was 8:36 am. That's still pretty early. I turn around to face Payton. He is still asleep. I start to play with is hair. A few minutes later I see his eyes flutter open. " Good Morning beautiful." Payton says. "Good morning Payton." I say while smiling. His voice is so uggg. I love it. There is just something about guys and their morning or tired voices they are just so sexy. He starts to lean in but I dodge the kiss. He looks at me with confusion on his face. "I have morning breath." I say. Payton then jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom. A few seconds later he comes back with two toothbrushes with toothpaste in them. "I had an extra one. Now brush your teeth I want that morning kiss." I laugh. "Ok. Eager much." I laugh again. "Hahaha." Payton says sarcastically but In a joking manner. " need to text Bailee. " I say." And I need to text Tyler." Payton says back. I the get up and go to the sink and finish brushing my teeth. Payton does the same. He the. Looks at me and plants his lips on mine. "Happy now?" I ask while laughing." Very much so." Payton responds while also laughing. I then take out my phone and decide to text Bailee.
Me:Hey Bailee do you want to meet me and Payton at Chick-Fil-la today?¿
B:sure what time?
I look at Payton. I ask him what time would be a good time to meet up. He responded with 12.
Me: how about 12
B:sounds good to me
"Hey Payton have you messaged Tyler yet?"
"Yeah he's coming."
"Ok cool."
I check the time and it is only 9:30.
"We still have a lot of time." I say.
" How about we cuddle and watch horror movies until 11:00 so therefor we will have an hour to get ready."
"That sounds amazing." I respond.
I then start to walk over to his bed. He follows me.
"Hey b..." Payton says
"Yeah Payt."
"What movie should we watch?¿"
"Ok how about.........."Payton trails off while looking through Netflix.
"How about He's Out There?" Payton asks.
(A/N: can I just say that I have watched that movie and it is a really good movie. Ok sorry anyways.)
We were watching the movie when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I had my period last week but I don't get cramps till the week after my period. I like to call it the aftermath. I try to ignore it but it gets worse. Then it was like someone took a knife and stabbed me 214,394 ( this is a very specific number lol. I lowkey just typed random numbers. Idk❤️😂🌷) times in my stomach. I soon clench my stomach with my hand. Payton looks at me.
"Hey b,what's the matter?" Payton asks concern filling his voice.
"I'm just having cramps." I say barley able to speak because of the pain I was in.
"Are you on your period? Is there anything I can do to help? What do you do? What do I do?" Payton says with a million questions.
"Payton, I'm fine. No I'm not in my period I had that last week this is just the aftermath. You don't have to do anything." I respond. Clenching my stomach even harder.
"I will be right back." I then hear him run downstairs and a few minutes later come back up. He enters the room with a few chocolate bars along with some midol.
"How did you know what to get?" I ask while laughing.
"The perks of having an older sister. I also asked her the best way to solve cramps and she said 3 things:cuddles,chocolate,and midol." He responded.
I looked at him and laughed.
"That's right." I say.
He throws the stuff on the bed and sits down next to me.
I get the midol and take 2 pills. I then grab a chocolate bar and half it.
"Here you go." I say
"Thank you b." Payton says while taking the chocolate and laughing.
"Have you forgotten about the 3rd thing?" Payton asks.
"Nope." I respond while popping the p.
"Good cause that's the best part" Payton says while laughing.
I lay down and Payton hits play on the movie and lays down right next to me. He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him.

From Mistake to "I love you."(Payton Moormeier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now