"Guys,I messed up."🌷

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As soon as I click on it the first thing I see is a very upset Payton. His eyes are very red and puffy. His hair is a mess. He looks like he went to hell and back.
"Guys, I messed up." He said getting teary eyed.
When I saw him almost crying it made me cry.
"I did something I shouldn't of. I broke her heart and I was stupid." He said.
The comments EXPLODED.
Fan3:Guys he's talking about Brittni.
She's not in his live stream.
Avanii:Who needs her anyways? I'm better.
Payton started to cry. Avanii continued to comment rude things. I cried harder.
"I need to go." Payton said and ended the live.
I feel so bad right now. I did that to him. I need to stay strong and stay here for a few more days. Like I said I needed a break and I got one. I started to get teary eyed again. I went to my backpack and pulled out Payton's hoodie. It still smells like him. I put it on and laid down on my bed. I let out a huge sigh. I get comfortable and try to go to sleep. After a few hours of tossing and turning I look at the clock.
3:00 am
"Why can't I sleep?!" I say to myself. I get up and take the hoodie off realizing how hot it is. I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water. I drink it and then go to the bathroom. I do my business and go back to my room. Nope. Still can't sleep. I get back up and stand in front of Asher's door thinking if this is a good idea or not. Oh well. I knock on the door. No answer. I knock one more time.
"Come in." I hear Asher say in a very groggy and raspy voice.
I walk in and stand beside his bed.
"Hey Ash. I um...can't sleep." I tell him.
He sits up and rubs his eyes.
"You can sleep with me." He says.
"Ok." I reply a little bit happier than what I would've liked.
I laid down on Asher's bed and get comfortable.
"B?" Asher says.
I tense up when I hear him say that remembering that's what Payton used to call me.
"Were you crying earlier after the movies?" He asks.
"......yeah. I was watching Payton's live stream and he was crying. How did you know?" I reply.
"These are thin walls." He laughed.
"Clearly." I laughed with him.
We quieted down. His arm wrapped around my waist. I turn around to face him.
"What?" He asks with a goofy grin on his face.
"Nothing." I say feeling a sudden urge to kiss him.
"Then why are y-" I cut Asher off by kissing him.
He kisses back. The kiss got rougher and deeper as he put himself hovering overtop of me. As we continued the make out session Asher soon pulled away.
"Brittni this isn't right." Asher said.
"What do you mean?"
"You are hurt right now. You aren't doing this because you like me you are doing it because you are hurt and need something to make you feel better." He said.
"...what if I do like you?" I ask.
"Then you wouldn't still be weeping over Payton." He said.
"...you're right. I'm sorry." I said realizing he is right.
"It's ok. Now let's get some sleep."
"Ok." I said laughing.
Asher laid back down beside me. I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around me.
"I just need somebody to hold me right now please. I just don't feel like me and I just need to feel safe."
Asher then pulls me closer to his chest.
"Thank you."
"No problem"
I soon feel my eyes getting very heavy. I then fall asleep.
I wake up and realize that I'm with Asher. I turn around to face him. He is still sleeping. I get up to go to my room and when I do I feel someone grab my wrist.
"Please just a few more minutes." Asher says.
Payton used to do that.
"Um ok." I say and lay back down.
Asher wraps his arms around me. Next thing you know Ash is back asleep and I'm just laying there wondering why the hell I'm blushing. Moments of me and Payton started running through my mind. Like the time where he won me that fish at the fair. OMG BUBBLES! I LEFT HER/HIM AT PAYTON'S HOUSE! SHIT! I honestly don't know what I was thinking because I instantly grabbed my phone and messaged Payton.
B:is Bubbles ok?
What the hell did I just do. Why did I do that? (A/N ok just wanted to let all of the people out there that are like "why are you freaking out over a fish it's just a damn fish." Well let me tell you something fish are pets too. They are very sweet. If you have them for a period of time they will get attached to you. My fish that sadly passed away she/he would always come to the top of the tank when I walked bye and she liked it when I put my finger on her tank so she could follow it.)
P:yeah. Can we talk?
B:I guess.
Payton then called me.
"Hey Brittni." He said.
His voice made me tear up.
"Hey Payt." I said softly trying not to get upset.
"Brittni, I'm so sorry. I messed up big time and I miss you. I broke off the thing I had with Avanii because I wanted you and only you. I don't know what I was thinking. I promise we didn't do anything. I didn't even kiss her. I promise. I understand if you don't forgive me. I just hope that I can see you soon because I just want to explain everything. I miss giving goodnight and good morning kisses and I felt so alone last night. I'm just so used to you being there that I just felt alone. I didn't get any sleep. I'm sorry." He said clearly very upset and crying.
"Payton, I'm sorry too. I couldn't sleep last night I had to lay down with Ashe-. Um nevermind that isn't important. I just couldn't sleep. I didn't feel safe without you." I say quickly mentally slapping myself for that slip up.
"Who were you talking about?"
"Just a friend that I'm staying with."
"Is that friend a boy?"
"...yeah but he's just s friend I promise."
"Ok." He sighs.
"Hey um...do you want to meet up today?" I ask.
"Yeah,where and what time?" He asks with hope in his voice.
" at that park by your house and what about 1?" I said.
"Yeah that would be nice. Thank you."
"Yeah see you then."
Ok so I know this is a short chapter but it's a chapter. That's all I really have to say. Oh yeah and...13K READS LIKE OMG GUYS I LOVE YALL SO MUCH AHHH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷.
Fan account: iits_mybaby_payton
REMEMBER: if y'all have nothing nice to say about this book then don't say anything at all. If you have a problem with this book then don't read it. Please ok I work really hard on this and when people say things about my book that isn't nice it hurts me. So please if you are one of those people(you know who you are) then leave now. Thank y'all.

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