Ita over?

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A/N so I've gotten several song ideas that I'll try to thread in here and like last time you don't have to listen to them too but I'd love to hear your songs ideas.

"I still have more suggestions! They are all awesome!"

Fine Phil. You may put ONE! In. Got it?

"Alright, two it is"

No. One. O- N- E.


*sighs* let's get started. The songs will be

(A) Little talks- Of monsters and Men

(B) Young forever- The Ready Set

(C) Moves like jagger- Maroon 5

(D) Really don't care- Demi Lavato

I will also post a link to a playlist of these songs and maybe more in the comments so you can check there instead of looking it up individually.

Now one with the story!!

"Yea music! Like before tell us your favorite songs!"

For once you've got a good idea Phil

"Thank you! You recognize my brilliance!"

Haha, that might not be it

Jonas- we still have to talk about earlier!

And now the story!

Jonas- Hey!


(A) Mineral yawned and stretched. For once she felt rested and didn't have a kink in her neck. Looking around her room she smiled. It seemed like she'd been gone from it forever.

she took a deep breath through her nose and sighed happily. The sun shone through her windowed doors and she got up feeling jittery. It took all her will not to giggle which stuck in the back of her throat for some odd reason. She quickly walked over to the doors and pulled them open. A brisk morning breeze hit her face and she walked out onto the balcony. Something was nagging at the back of her mind but she pushed it aside as she took in the view. Again, for some reason it was more beautiful than it had been. She smiled and leaned against the railing. The marble was cold against her bare arms. She had forgotten she slept in a tank top last night. Another Autumn breeze whisked by and she retreated back into her room for a sweat shirt. she didn't notice the black cloak hanging on a peg next to her bed.

She pulled one out of her closet and smiled. It was a surprisingly quiet morning. With a yawn she opened the door and almost fell over top of Rancune sleeping in the doorway.

"what're you doing?" she laughed. Rancune poked her head up interested and her tail started wagging excitedly.

"C'mon, let's go get something to eat" Mineral smirked and took off down the hall. Rancune jumped up and ran after, giving a happy yip.

"I had the weirdest dream you know?" She said walking down the hall. Rancune tilted her head trotting beside. "my father came and didn't realize who I was. Then everyone else from my past started coming in too" she laughed slightly "I had a brother and sister too. Then sooo much more happened. It got really dark. We were kidnapped, tortured and when we finally did escape I was killed" she shook her head. "I'm glad I woke up after that" she let out another small laugh and sighed happily. Rancune lowered her head and followed.

The two walked on in the silence. It was surprising to Mineral. Almost as if the whole place was morning or something. She wondered who died.

Getting closer to the main hall she finally heard some voices. She smiled until she got close enough to recognize them. Her smile fell and she slowly backed into the shadows.

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