How many times are they going to be thrown in a cell for potatoes sake?!

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A/N so, this might be the las chapter... I'm starting the next book soon though so that's good right? Bad thing, I don't have a name for it yet.

"We need suggestions so if you'd be so mind to give them at the end of the chapter that's be great! :D"

XD yea, as Phil said we'd really appreciate it if you all would help us pick a book title ^^ the plot won't be announced right here but you'll get an idea for it at the end of the chapter!

".... If she remembers"

I'll remember

"What are we waiting for then!? Let's start the book already!"

Very good idea, Phil, very good idea

"I know ;)"


"How the heck did this happen again?" Fluff said staring at the stone wall in front of him. "I mean seriously, we just visit a place and they throw us in jail!" he groaned as fell back against the stone below the small, barred window of his cell.

"Could be worse though" Sydney called over "we could've all gotten sick from the milk"

"The milk wasn't bad though!" Quartz exclaimed "I swear it wasn't!"

"Yea, might want to explain that to Nova then" Kye said just as the sound of retching came again. she grimaced "I don't think he got the message"

"Well not all of it then" Quartz replied, buffed annoyed, and say heavily on the cot in her cell.

The door opened across the room and several guards dragged Endra, Budder and Crystal in.

"Guys!" Fluffy beamed "you here to join the party too?" he grinned.

Budder rolled his eyes "yes fluf butt. we're here to join your party" Quartz snickered a cell over.

"You're parents have been called and are on their way to get you" one of the the guards said looking at a clip board as the new three were thrown in with the others.

"How'd you know our parents?" Fluffy asked. in reply the guard held up his confiscated wallet showing his ID.

"That's how" Morgan said. she seemed to be the most relaxed out of them all as she sat reading on the cot as she turned the pages like everything was normal.

"You can t hold us here without reason" Crystal said crossing her arms "it's against the law"

"It's also agains the law to bring mobs within city limits" the guard retorted "which you did so we do have a reason. teleporting within city limits is also against the law so there's the second offense. want me to keep listing them miss-" he stopped to look through the papers "fox is it?"

The others looked at her and she shrugged.

"Yea, that's right but how do you have any evidence we did that?" she asked. the guard flicked on a TV behind the desk and popped in a disc. The street they appeared on came up on the screen and a moment later they were there, standing in the middle of the street and walked off. Crystal went silent.

"We're just looking for this last guy now" the guard said holding up Jonas' enlarged picture "shouldn't be too long though, unless he knows we're looking for him we'll find him"

Endra groaned and sat up "what'll happen if we don't have any family near by?" she asked in a daze. "like, they're a really long ways away"

The guard shrugged "then we give you a phone call and a friend can come pick you up" Crystal perked up.

"Can we get that c-" she was cut off by the door opening and another guard coming in. everyone went silent as he said something in a hushed tone to the first one. The first guard nodded and stood up.

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