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Demi: I wanna watch a movie on Netflix, maybe we could watch it at the same time and talk over a facetime...if you're in

Joe: yeah course...tell me when you're home, I'll go prepare the things for the movie

Demi: okay. Bye

Joe: bye, be safe

Demi: (I laughed) yeah, I'm actually arriving so don't worry

Joe: okay, call me

Demi: bye

JOE P.O.V.: I waited for Demi's call while I entered in Netflix, got ready to bed and rested in it. Just when I leaned in the pillow, my phone rang. It was her. I took the call and suddenly her face appeared on my screen.

I would be lying if I tell you that I hadn't miss her so fucking much I felt like crying when I saw her.

Demi: hey, long time no see

Joe: yes, I'm happy I get to see you again...I missed you

Demi: me too, we're one step closer to each toher tho (we laughed) which movie are we watching?

Joe: I don't really know...whatever you want is okay

Demi: I don't know which movie I want...what about umm...Sierra Burges is a loser?

Joe: haven't seen it

Demi: really? We're watching it...it's a pretty good movie

Joe: kay, I have it here

Demi: kay, me too...now, three, two...one (we both played the movie and it sounded synchronized) yay! We did it, now watch the movie

Joe: I'm watching it (we both started watching the movie and talking about it but ince we get to the middle of it I was so into it that I didn't realize Demi was asleep. I looked at my screen smiling and took a screenshot, then paused the movie and cleared my throat. She jumped a little and looked at her phone.

Demi: sorry, oh shit, I feel embarrassed...I'm sorry Joe, I fell asleep

Joe: yeah. I know...I have a photo now

Demi: oh no, don't you dare posting it anytime...I'd kill you

Joe: why? You look cute

Demi: well, because I am cute

Joe: (I laughed) yeah, you are...now, I think is better if you go to sleep, you have a family lunch tomorrow morning

Demi: you'll see the movie?

Joe: if you want me to

Demi: I prefer if you pause the movie and we watch it together then...please (I nodded smiling) thanks, I'll go to sleep now

Joe: yeah, you better go...you're sleepy

Demi: I know (she laughed) talk to me later, huh?

Joe: course (we smiled at each other) have a good night, sleep well

Demi: thanks, you too

Joe: thanks

Demi: bye (she waved her hand sweetly and I did the same at her)

Joe: bye Dems

It Never Ended ~ Jemi Where stories live. Discover now