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JOE P.O.V.: we entered and I gave Demi some water while she sat on the couch breathing heavily.

Demi: okay, today is not my day

Joe: don't worry, Nick's an asshole

Demi: but...maybe he's right

Joe: about what? (I sat next to her)

Demi: about...you

Joe: so, you think I don't care about you and your life? I can't believe this (I was angry at her for thinking that way towards me)

Demi: no, no...sorry I don't think that, I'm just confused and sad and hurted and...mad because he was my best friend like...where the hell was he when I needed him? He have no right to tell me he cares about my life after all he have done

Joe: that's what I've been trying to tell you lately

Demi: you think he doesn't even love me? Like, we were best friends for half of our life

Joe: I know he loves you, he just doesn't know how to show it and how to get close to you again after what happened

Demi: it hurts me...the fact that he's doing nothing to have me back...I miss him, you know? (I nodded and saw her wipe her tears away) I'm sorry, we should be having fun and I'm just sitting here crying and making you feel bad about me...sorry Joe (she smiled at me and I grabbed her hand)

Joe: it's fine Dems, if you need to talk about this we can do it. That's what friends are supposed to do

Demi: thank you, really but I don't want to talk about this now. I want to have a nice time with you and talk about our lifes and changes and all that stuff

Joe: kay

Demi: I was so into me and my problems I didnt even greeted you properly

Joe: that's right (she hugged me tightly and I caressed her back)

Demi: now...I missed you Joseph, I'm happy to see you again, couldn't be more grateful for our friendship

Joe: same to you Demi. I'm happy we'll can be how we were before...again

Demi: me too (she looked at me from head to toe) you look awesome boy

Joe: thanks, you do too

Demi: yea, marriage suits good on you

Joe: oh that...I'm sorry I never told you about that, it was a last moment thing...Phil planned it actually

Demi: oh really?

Joe: yea, he did...anyways, the real wedding will be in a month I think in France

Demi: oh, how cute is that? (She smiled sweetly)

Joe: it is so I hope to see you standing there, huh?

Demi: am I invited?

Joe: you're my best friend, of course you are...Sophie will be happy

Demi: sure?

Joe: yes, she likes you a lot

Demi: isn't she jealous or something like that because we were a couple like a million years ago?

Joe: surprisingly, she isn't...I guess that's what I love about her, she believes in me

Demi: it's good to hear it...you seem so in love

Joe: I am

Demi: I've never seen you like this before

Joe: I was in love with you too...don't forget about it

Demi: oh lord, you weren't

Joe: for God's sake, how mny times do I have to tell you that I really was in love with you? I was when we dated, I was before we dated and I was after we dated too

Demi: I think it was just you blaming it in yourself

Joe: how's that?

Demi: you blamed yourself for my condition...rehab, you know

Joe: no, I didn't...I was a little too much in love with you it took me like 3 years to move on from that feeling

It Never Ended ~ Jemi Where stories live. Discover now