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I need to remember what happened that day. I need to remember what I said to the figures that were trying to save me...but in my heart, I'm sure that I probably shouldn't remember it because that'd be hard. That will give me the truth. The real reason why I overdosed. Mistake or unconscious suicide?

I sat on the edge of the bath in the bathroom and started thinking. Suddenly a blurry flashback came to my mind.

I remembered the figures again, a blonde and a red hair girls, probably Dani and Kelsey...there was a male voice on the back. I remember screams of fear, I remember hearing steps.

"Demi...Demi...don't leave us, stay awake...we'll take you to the hospital" Dani said and I laughed

I was on thw floor of the family room covered with pills and drinks. A mess.

Dani: Demi, what the hell is happening?

Demi: don't worry...I'm just having a bit of fun

Kelsey: oh shit...we need to call someone

Dani: I can call Nick

Demi: oh really? Nick Jonas? Don't worry, he doesn't care about me...nor does Joe

Dani: they both care about you...Kelsey come with me, I'll call the boys and you'll call her mom

Kelsey: Demi...wait here...don't move

Demi: yea, whatever (they left and I drank a bunch of pills and used some drugs that I bought. Everything went black in a second and when I opened my eyes again I saw the blurry figures)

Dani: Demi...Demi...don't leave us stay awake...we'll take you to the hospital

Kelsey: the hell are you doing?...fuck Demi I'm gonna kill you

Dani: Demi, don't close your eyes...the ambulance is coming...please (I smiled weakly when I heard Max voice entering the house. I started vomiting blood, and shaking a lot. He entered in the scene)

Max: no...not this (I remember he asked for something to save my life and they all looked for something until they found it in my wardrobe. Max was there giving all to keep me alive at least until the ambulance is here and I touched his hand)

Demi: you don't have to do this...it's okay...let me go guys...I need to leave...I'm not happy anymore...I want to go and be free (I said that with tears in my eyes and I remember they all stood there in silence until the ambulance entered and my heart stopped)

End of Flashback

I started hyperventilating and crying. I tried to kill myself. Man I was right...it was on purpose. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw the Demi that wanted to die. I opened the door and I was about to run downstairs to find Joe but he was in the stairs.

Joe: Dem, what happened?

Demi: I did it on purpose Joe (I murmured while crying in a hug)

Joe: what? What did you do on purpose Dems?

Demi: the overdose...I tried to kill myself...I'm sorry I promise I had no idea I did that (he held me tightly and we walked to his bedroom to sit on his bed)

It Never Ended ~ Jemi Where stories live. Discover now