Chapter 7

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I woke up a few minutes later. I had passed out. I sat up and looked around at all of the blood and my grandma's limp, lifeless body on the floor. I picked up my phone to call 911 and saw that I had a new text message from a number I didn't have saved.

Hey Emma, it's Ash. Just wanted to say goodnight, pretty lady (; 

I called 911 and told them that my grandmother had been murdered, or that it looked like she had, anyway. They said they'd be right over.  I then called Ash.

"Hey, pretty lady," he said flirtatiously.

"Ash... Can you come over here?"

"Why, are you okay?" he sounded more alert and serious.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine.. but I came in the house and.. my grandma... she's... she's been murdered," I mumbled.

The line was quiet for a second and then Ash blurted, "I'll be right there," and hung up.

I stared at my grandma's body. How could this happen? What had even happened? Who would have done something like this? How could she just be gone?

And this was the reason I didn't believe in any God. How could someone take all of these things from me without an explanation and still be considered the good guy? I wasn't buying that fairy tale.

Ash showed up and then the police showed up literally ten seconds later. They asked a few questions and I answered them truthfully. They took her body away and started looking for evidence.

"You're staying with me again, tonight. You're not staying here," Ash said very seriously. I didn't argue. I didn't want to stay here, and I definitely did want to stay with Ash.

After a few hours, I was free to go. I went upstairs to pack a bag and then left for the BVB house in Ashley's car. When we arrived, everyone looked confused until Ash explained what happened. They all said they were so sorry for my loss and everything, and said that they didn't mind me staying here at all. I thanked them all and sat on the couch to watch tv. I needed to keep my mind of off everything. I was sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the tv with nothing on my mind when Ash sat next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You know, I can help keep your mind off of everything.." he whispered in my ear, and it felt like he kissed my ear, too.

I froze. What was he doing? "I thought we were best friends?" I blurted.

He chuckled but didn't move. "We can be just best friends, or..." he muttered as his teeth grazed my ear, which sent a shiver of pleasure through me. I didn't speak, for I didn't know what to say, so he sat back and said "I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that at a time like this.." as he unwrapped his arms from around me and stood up to go to his room.

"No, that's not it. I just... can't..." I murmered and tears sprang to my eyes.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to do that," Ash said as he hugged me tightly.

"It's not your fault," I said to him through the tears.

"Do you want to go to bed, now?" he whispered soothingly as my tears slowed. I nodded my head and he took my hand and led me to his room.

This time, I didn't care. I changed in the room with Ashley staring at me the entire time. Typical Mr. Purdy. I felt insanely self-consious, but what did it matter? Ash was my best friend, and nothing more.. But then I thought back to just a few minutes ago... Had he been serious? His eyes raked hungrily up and down my body as I pulled on my pajamas, but mine did the same to his as he stripped down to his boxers. But what can I say? It's Ashley Purdy.

We climbed into bed, and he kissed my cheek as he turned out the lights.

I couldn't fall asleep again. The haunting images of my dead grandma kept dancing across my eyelids whenever I closed my eyes. I shot up out of bed and started hyperventilating.

"Emma.. are you alright?" Ash asked with concern in his voice.

"No," I choked out. My grandma was really gone. I was alone. I had nowhere to go.

"Emma, calm down, everything's going to be okay," Ash said as he jumped out of bed and walked over to me.

I shook my head. "No, no it's not. My grandma is dead. Which means I have no one else left in my family. I don't have anywhere to go. And.. my grandma is gone," I said, over and over, trying to process it.

Ash grabbed my shoulders, which made me stop. "Emma, you do have somewhere to go."

"Where..? I have no more family, and now that my grandma is gone, I have no one to take care of me. What am I gonna do? I don't know what t--" I began, but then Ashley crushed his lips to mine. One hand tangled itself in my hair as the other wrapped around my waist. 

Holy shit.

That was all I could think.

He tasted like bubblemint, of course. My hands fluttered up to his shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a few minutes, his lips left mine, but traveled to my neck. My head tilted back as he kissed up my neck, and I whispered, "Ashley," before his lips found mine again.

My mind was completely spinning. I couldn't process what was happening. Was I really kissing Ashley Purdy? He pulled me closer to him as he continued to kiss me.

After a while, he stopped and smiled at me. "You can always come here," he whispered before kissing me again, softly this time.

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