Chapter 12

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The next morning, I was the first one up. I was sleeping on the outside of the bunk, thankfully, so I got down without waking Ashley up. I went to take a quick shower and then sat on the couch and turned the tv on. I put in a movie, Tangled, and it was half way over before anyone else woke up.

CC stepped sleepily into the living room part of the bus. "Who's driving?" he mumbled.

"Um, I actually don't know..." I said, then Jinxx shouted, "Jinxx is!" and we both laughed.

Then Jake groaned and yelled at us to quiet down. Which made us laugh even harder.

"What're you watching?" CC asked as he sat down next to me.

"Tangled," I said.

"Oh, I love this movie!"

"Really?! Me t--"

"No, I've actually never seen it," he interrupted, which made Jinxx and I laugh.

A few minutes later, Jake went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. They had another show today, and Jinxx informed me that we were an hour away, and the show was in 8 hours. CC took over the driving while Jinxx went to go get some sleep.

As the movie ended, Ashley woke up. He went and got ready for the day, minus the warpaint, and came and sat by me as I put in another movie-- The Little Mermaid.

"What is it with you and Disney movies?" he muttered as he kissed my cheek.

I giggled. "Because they're cute."

"Just like you," he muttered, and then began to tickle me.

"What are you... NO DO NOT TICKLE ME, IF YOU TICKLE ME I WILL SHOOT YOU," I screamed as he tickled my sides.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?!" I heard Andy scream from his bunk.

"NO!" we all screamed back at the same time, which ended in Andy groaning and getting up, and us laughing.

We then pulled up to the venue.

"I'll be back," Ash said after an hour or so of being at the venue.

"Okay, I'll be here. Love you," I muttered as I kissed him and he walked out.

After two hours, I decided to go looking for him. The rest of the boys, aside from Jinxx, who was still asleep, were ready for the concert that was in four hours. They planned to wake Jinxx up in two hours, so he had two hours to get ready.

I stepped out of the bus and found Ashley sitting at a table... with Amy.

I frowned. This was weird.

"Hey, babe," I said as I sat next to him.

"Hi," he said, sounding annoyed.

"I-is everything okay?" I muttered, scared to death. What if he broke up with me? What would I do? I couldn't take another bad breakup.

"Yeah," he said normally, as he looked at me with a smile. He kissed me and said, "I love you, Emma," and then turned his attention back to Amy.

"Love you, too," I mumbled as I got up to leave.

Ash didn't even noticed I had left; he didn't say goodbye or "see ya later," or anything.

Something weird was going on.

I found myself freaking out, on the verge of hysteria, so I ran back to the bus, threw open the door, ignored the weird looks, ran to my bunk, and jumped in it and shut the curtain. I then cried into my pillow. I could hear the guys in the other room talking about it.

"Did Ash...?" CC began to ask.

"No, I don't think so. He loves her," Jake said, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Maybe I should go talk to her..." Andy mumbled, then I heard footsteps, and the curtain being moved. "Hey, Emma, are you alright?"

I shook my head no without lifting my head from the pillow.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

I again shook my head no.

I could feel Andy getting in the bunk, so I moved to the side. He rubbed my back soothingly as I cried into the pillow for what seemed like ages.

After crying for about a half hour, I finally calmed down.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?" Andy pleaded, with genuine concern in his eyes.

"Well..." I began, biting my lip. What if he thought I was just stupid and overreacting? That would be so embarrassing. "I think... I think that Ash likes... Amy... and, I went to go talk to them today, when he was with her for 2 hours, I might add, and he just acted all annoyed and didn't even realize I left, and I just started thinking... What if he.. ya know..." I said, and then faltered as I realized how extremely stupid and obsessive that sounded. "Ya know what? Nevermind, I'm just stupid. Let's forget it," I mumbled as I began to get up.

Andy shook his head no. "No, that isn't stupid. I'd be the same way. It'll be okay, though, I promise. Ashley really loves you," he said, but I could hear the uncertainty under the seriousness.

"Yeah, that's what everyone said about Tyler," I mumbled as I began to remove the blanket from me.

"I didn't mean it like that," Andy said. He hugged me and told me everything would be okay, and then jumped off the bunk and helped me down. They were just waking Jinxx up.

I went to quickly fix my face and then let Jinxx in the bathroom to get ready. Ash then, finally, got back on the bus.

"Where were you?" Andy asked, clearly upset that Ash had been with Amy all day.

"With some people," he said, not noticing the anger in Andy's voice.


"Evanescence... why?" Ash asked as he glanced at Andy, now detecting the anger.

"All of them or just Amy?" he asked in a low voice, but I could still hear it.

Ash glanced worriedly at me and then turned to Andy. "Seriously?" he asked.

"Yes, seriously. You wanna know why? Because-" Andy began, but I interrupted.

"Because I wanted to know," I said, not wanting Ash to know I had totally freaked out earlier.

Andy glared at me for a second, then an understanding look came over his face and he mumbled an apology to Ash and then left.

Ash looked at me, confused, and then sat on the couch. I sat next to him, but it felt... different.

"Hey, baby. I'm sorry, I was talking to Amy about maybe doing a song together or something. But she wouldn't say yes, so I kept trying to talk her into it all day, but she still won't. She said we're too different of bands to do a song together," he chuckled. He kissed me softly, and everything I had been worrying about seemed to just melt away.

"It's okay, I just missed you, that's all," I smiled as his lips left mine.

"I missed you, too," he said as he kissed my nose.

I giggled.

Maybe I had just been overreacting, as I had thought earlier.

Or maybe I was totally right, and I just didn't want to admit to myself that I knew there was something going on between Ashley and Amy.

oooooh what's gonna happen?! NOBODY KNOWS. except me, because I'm the author. and authors know EVERYTHING. well... sort of :D anyways,  I hope you are enjoying this so far.  Something BIG is going to happen very shortly, so keep reading ;D thanks again <3

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