Chapter 11

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I woke up at about 9 the next morning. I smiled as I felt Ashley's strong arms wrapped around me and heard his quiet breathing. I slowly slipped off of the bed, trying to not wake him. I grabbed my clothes and stuff for the day and walked out of our room to go to the bathroom, but I saw Jake and CC in the kitchen being oddly quiet...

I walked up to them. "What are you doing?" I asked as I saw Jake hand a smiling CC a ten dollar bill.

"He's paying up," CC said to me with a smile.

"Why...?" I wondered.

"Because I lost a bet," Jake sighed.

"What was the bet?" I asked, though I already knew.

"Well, I bet that Ash would get it in before we left for tour," CC said, confirming my suspicion.

"And I bet he wouldn't," Jake said as they started laughing.

I punched both of them and went to take a shower.

When I got out, everyone else was awake, and everyone but Jinxx was ready for the day. He had to shower, but all of the other guys either had showered last night, or showered in the other two bathrooms while I had taken my shower. Most of the stuff was already packed up in the tour bus, so as Jinxx finished getting ready, we finished putting the stuff in the bus. I finished packing up my daily things, like toothbrush, makeup, etc., and headed for the bus as Jinxx finished up. We left a bit later than planned, but they said that it was okay, since their first show wasn't until later that night, and we were only about 3 hours away. It was noon right now, and the show wasn't until 6:30.

I decided to take a nap to pass the time. Ash joined me. And it turns out that bunks are much smaller than our bed. But I didn't mind.

I woke up at 3:30, and we had just pulled up to the venue. I got out of the bunk and fixed my hair and makeup and then went out to the living room part of the bus with the rest of the boys. I found that another band was on our bus-- Evanescence.

When I walked out in the room, Amy Lee looked at me and smiled. Then the boys in the band looked at me, too. I noticed that 3 of the BVB guys were gone, only Ash and Andy were on the bus. Ash spoke up first. "Hey, Evanescence, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is Amy, Terry, Tim, Will, and Troy," he said as he pointed at all of them.

"Nice to meet you. I love your music," I said to them.

They all smiled and thanked me, and said "nice to meet you, too."

Since there were no seats left, I sat on Ash's lap. "Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked him.

"With Motionless," he stated simply, and I almost jumped up and ran out the door. Motionless in White is one of my favorite bands. Ash sensed my mood change and laughed.

"You a fan of them?" he asked me.

I just nodded. I was more than a fan.

"Well then let's go meet them," he said as my eyes widened at just the thought of being close to them.

He again laughed at my expression. He moved me off of his lap and stood up. I stood up with him and he grabbed my hand.

"We'll be back... sometime," he told Evanescence, and they said that they needed to go to their bus anyways to finish getting ready.

With Ash on one side of me, holding my hand, and Andy on the other side, we stepped off of the bus and out into the chilly air. Just a few feet away, I could see the Motionless boys. Well, only 4 of them. It looked like Devin and Angelo weren't there.

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