Chapter 2

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Everyday in study hall, I would hope that he would come talk to me again, but he never did. It was that next Friday, the day before Homecoming, that I decided to give up on my feelings about him... I had realized that I did have feelings for him, but that I needed to let them go. Because he obviously didn't have any for me. I sat down in my chair and put my headphones in. We Stitch These Wounds, the album version, by Black Veil Brides started blasting into my ears. I smiled. This song was awesome.

After that song was over, Sweet Blasphemy started playing. As the part where Andy talks came to an end, I felt my left ear bud being pulled out. I looked over with an angry face. Nobody messes with my headphones. Or me when I'm listening to music. Especially Black Veil Brides. They're my favorite band, by the way.

Tyler's blue eyes shone just a few inches from my face. I gasped and flinched backwards. "God, Tyler, you scared the shit out of me," I mumbled.

He laughed his deep chuckle and apologized. "It's whatever," I said as I started to put my headphone back in.

"Are you just going to ignore me, now?" he said with a dazzling smile.


He stuck his lower lip out into a fake pout. I just laughed and took out both ear buds. "Why must you make me stop listening to my music?"

"Sorry, I'll leave you alone if you want," he said as he began to get up.

"No, I was kidding," I said quickly. He smiled and sat back down.

"You seem pretty eager to keep me here," he joked.

I just glared at him. Truthfully, I was happy. Even though I had decided that I need to give up on him, I still enjoyed his company. He was a good friend.

"So.." he began, "What's up?"

"Nothing, just doing..." I looked at my book. "Spanish homework."

"Ah, that sounds fun," he said sarcastically. I giggled.

"Yeah, totally."

"So, what are you doing this weekend?" he asked casually, but it still sent that weird feeling through my stomach.

"Um, Homecoming is tomorrow.." I reminded him as I looked down at my Spanish homework and tried to concentrate on it.

"Oh yeah," he laughed. "Are you still going?"

"Mhm," I said with a stomach full of butterflies.

"Cool, I'll see you there, then," he grinned.

"Yeah," I said, still looking at my Spanish paper, although my eyes kept darting to him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. Just.. this Spanish homework is really hard," I lied. The truth was, I was upset. Because I knew he was going to the dance with his girlfriend. His insanely gorgeous and perfect-bodied girlfriend.

"Oh, well I'd help you... but I don't know Spanish," he said, unconvinced.

I smiled at him half-heartedly. He pursed his lips and looked away. The bell rang just then, and I packed up my things. Tyler waited for me, and then we walked down the hall together, only saying a few random things, and then he told me goodbye when we got to his classroom, which was on the way to mine.

I walked sadly to my class, knowing that as much as I didn't want to like him, I did. And he clearly didn't feel the same about me.

*End of first part of Flashback*

I sobbed in the ally after I thought over that. I remembered the pain, although not as strong as this, ripping through my chest when I thought about him. It was now 200 times worse, but as I thought over the beginning of the end, it made me upset to know that I could have stopped this from happening. If I had just stopped right then, the day before the dance that started everything, and decided not to get involved with him, I wouldn't be about to take my own life at this moment.

I pulled the knife out of my jacket pocked and pressed it lightly to my skin. I shivered as the cold blade touched my skin. I ran it lightly over the skin on my wrist; not enough to break the skin, yet. I couldn't bring myself to do it yet. But I knew it would happen tonight. Until then, though, I thought back to the night of Homecoming...


My friend Tara Barns and I stepped into the gym at my school. That was where Homecoming was taking place. My tight red and black dress was not the best choice. I'm a pretty big girl-- not huge, but not small either-- and the tight-fitting material wasn't very flattering. Tara was, of course, perfect. She was skinny, tall, and beautiful.

I looked around for people I knew. I didn't have a lot of friends, but the ones I had were great. I spotted Donny Williams in the corner talking to someone. I then noticed he was talking to Tyler and frowned. Of course.

And then of course, my other best friends Casey Simon and Scarlett Samuels were over there, too. Scar saw Tara and I and ran over to get us. When we came up to the boys and Casey, Tyler smiled at me as his eyes raked up and down my body. I felt insanely self-conscious. I stepped behind Tara so he couldn't see me. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"You don't have to hide, Emma," Donny said.

"I'm not hiding, Donny. I just feel really weird. You know I hate dresses," I muttered.

"Why? You look really good," Tyler said, which made me blush.

"Thanks," I mumbled. After a few minutes, Tyler walked off, and I assumed that he was going to find his girl friend. My heart fell to my stomach and sharp pain shot through me as I thought about that. Get it together, Emma, I thought to myself.

After about an hour of dancing with my friends, Tyler came over to me as a slow song started to play.

"Emma, I was wondering... Do you wanna dance?"

"Me?" I squeaked. "Um, I don't really know how.."

"Here, it's easy, I'll show you," he said as he put my hands around his neck and placed his on my hips. "See?"

By now, my mind was spinning. I couldn't think straight. "Don't you have a girl friend?" I blurted.

He laughed. "Sort of.. she's being a butt right now, though. I don't know how much longer we're going to last," he said as a smile spread across his face.

I gulped. We were swaying back and forth, and it was nice, but I was still so confused. "I'm sorry. I have no idea how to dance. I probably look so stupid," I told him.

"Nah, you're doing fine," he said as we spun around. I giggled.

"This is fun," I said with a smile. "I've never danced like this before," I admitted.

"Really? I don't believe you," Tyler muttered.

"Well, you don't have to... but it's the truth," I said with a smile. It really was fun to spin around with his arms around me. The song was halfway over now. "This is nice," I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear.

"Yeah, it is," he sighed. I blushed.

"You weren't supposed to hear that," I laughed and so did he.

"Too bad," he said with a hypnotizing smile. We locked eyes for a few seconds, and then he leaned towards me. His lips touched mine quickly, and then he pulled back.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was hanging open. We had stopped twirling. The song was over. A familiar song started playing, but I couldn't figure it out at this second. I couldn't figure anything out.

"I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--to," he began, and then stopped. His hands were still on my hips, mine still locked around his neck. My face started to unfreeze and my mouth began to curve into a smile. He smiled back, and I realized that the song playing was The Mortician's Daughter by Black Veil Brides.

He pressed his lips to mine again, but longer this time. We were spinning again by now, and then the song came to an end as he pulled away, and he looked behind me and his eyes grew wide. I turned around and there was his girl friend, Gina Roberts. She didn't look angry though, more sad. "You know, you could've just broken up with me first," she said as she turned to walk away. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

"I'm so sorry. I was planning on doing it tonight, after the dance, but then... I don't know..." he mumbled.

She sighed. "Whatever. It doesn't matter now. Goodbye, Tyler," she said sadly and then walked away.

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