Chapter 17

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"ASHLEY WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS?" I screamed, at an unconscious Ashley, through the tears as I tried to stop the bleeding.

So much blood, was all I could think. How was he going to survive this?

After a few minutes of this, I decided to give up. I wasn't helping any. The blood was still pouring from the wound. I sat on the ground next to him and just cried and cried, unaware to anything happening around me.

I woke up in a room with plain white walls, and a blinding light shining right in my eyes.

"Thank God she's awake," I heard Jinxx mutter.

"God?" Andy chuckled. I looked to my left and all of the boys, minus Ashley, were standing there, looking at me with hopeful expressions.

"What the..." I began, but then everything came flooding back as Ricky walked in the room with a horrified expression on his face.

"Oh my shit, Emma, I just heard what happened. After they didn't show up for the show, I called them and they told me... Holy fuck, are you alright?" he asked frantically as he looked me over.

I nodded weakly. "I'm fine... how is...?" I trailed off.

Andy's face contorted with pain. "He's still unconscious... He lost a ton of blood... They're giving him transfusions but his body is reacting oddly to them," he expained while everyone looked down at their feet.

"This is all my fault," I muttered as tears began to spill.

"No, it's not, Em," Ricky said as he patted my shoulder.

The rest of the Motionless boys came in the room then, with food.

"Fuck, give me some of that. I'm going to eat my problems away," I muttered as Chris chuckled and handed me a pack of skittles and a coke.

They all sat on the floor and we just talked for a while. Then a doctor came in and told me I could go. I got dressed and we headed to Ash's room.

I looked at his pale face and almost burst into tears. But I had to stay strong.

I couldn't help but think that if I had just let this stupid situation go, he would be up on stage right now. But I shook that thought away. I couldn't change it, so I might as well not torture myself.

I picked up his bandaged wrist.

"I'm so sorry, Ash," I whispered as a tear spilled over. I quickly wiped it away and bent down to kiss him.

And then his eyes shot open.

"What the--" I began as I pulled away.

"I always thought Heaven wasn't real," he interrupted. He stared at me as if I was some rare, exotic creature. Then it clicked. He thought he was dead.

I shook my head as happy tears began to rush out. "Oh, Ashley! You're not dead!" I gushed as the tears fell harder. I hugged him and his arms slowly wrapped around me.

"But, I thought..." he began, but then stopped and just hugged me back. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face to his and crashed his lips to mine. "I've missed you so fucking much," he said against my lips.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," I said when he pulled away.

Everyone was staring at us with a confused expression. Then I realized it was because they didn't know we had sort of made up as Ashley tried to kill himself.

To clear things up, Ash looked at me and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend... again?"

"Of course," I murmured as I brought his lips to mine.

Everyone had been silent the entire time, but then CC came over and picked me up. "That's enough, you two, now get out of the way so we can all go hug Mr. Purdy," he said as he took me to the corner of the room and set me down. Everyone laughed and then rushed over to Ash to talk to him and stuff. A doctor interrupted them, however, to do some testing and make sure Ash would be okay.

While he did this, we all went out to the waiting room to find Evanescence waiting there. I glared at Amy, who looked down in shame. Then I sighed as I realized it was all stupid. She looked at me with a weird expression and I just smiled at her. A small smile formed on her lips and she realized that she was forgiven.

After a few days, Ashley was allowed to leave the hospital. They decided to cancel the rest of the tour, promising to make it up soon. Many fans were upset, but Ashley needed to go back home.

And so did I.

Yeah, yeah, I know it sucked. And it's sooo short. I don't really know what else to do with this story. Well, I know how it's going to end, but... I don't know what to do until up to that point, so it'll mostly just be about their relationship (: hope you enjoy...:D thanks for reading <3 

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