Chapter 1: New Home, New School, but Same Old Me

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Target on my back.

Lone Survivor lasts

They got me in their sights...

I hit the snooze button on my phone and I took a deep breath. I scared myself awake with the beginning instrumental, as much as I like listening to Skillet during the day, waking up to the rock instrumental scares the living hell out of me, sometimes, especially when I'm having a good dream. Groaning a lot before I finally decided to get myself out of my warm comfy bed and begrudgingly go eat some breakfast. Now, this isn't like everyone else who gets up and has a three-course breakfast.

For me, I get some milk and some cereal. To those who wonder, I pour the cereal first cause I just do. If you pour milk first, then my opinion on that is that your opinion to pour milk first before the cereal sucks absolute shit.

Anyway, getting my favorite cereal, Cocoa Puffs, I sat down at my kitchen table, struggling to keep my eyes open, I ate my cereal and grabbed my bath towel from my room.

My room was the standard size you could say, I had my bed in the corner adorned with simple red and blue sheets, representing my favorite baseball team, and my favorite sport. The trophies that line my top shelf display that. My dresser a foot away from the end of it, random posters from children's movies, and some video game related stuff. My Xbox sits at the front of my room with a 36'' TV. Being in high school in my senior year, after having moved away from my old high school, kind of sucks. The friends I made, the team.... Nothing bad happened, just my parents got new jobs with better pay and more benefits. My younger sister, who's thirteen, wasn't as affected as I was, but we are on a similar level. We moved from New York to California, coast to coast. From our small town of Cicero to San Diego. Yeah, it was that kind of move.

Speaking of her, I better go wake her up. Her room is across from mine. I knocked on the door, hearing a muffled 'come in.'

I opened the door, her room covered in a light cream, beige color, breaking the 'norm' of pink room. "Hey, Trace, you gotta get up, it's time for your first day of middle school," I said in my tired voice, granted I was still trying to wake up, but a shower should wake me up.

"But I don't wannnnnaaaa." Tracy, or Trace, as I nicknamed her, pouted. That used to get me, but I built up a defense, not looking at her when she pouts. Her chestnut hair was short over her shoulders, her face and mine were similar in structure, we got it from our mom, rounded face, I got hazel eyes and she has brown eyes. That was our one difference, our eyes.

The thing is, I also don't wanna go to school, I'll be the loner, like how I first started out, before baseball. It was my saving grace, the only thing, besides my family, that kept me grounded. I struggle to be social, but that's because I like playing video games with online friends. I am more social on there than outside of games.

Baseball is my favorite sport so I naturally wanted to play and I ended up being so good that I ended up making headlines back home. Yeah, at seventeen. I was making plays in baseball. I wanted to say natural ability, but it was all thanks to the time I put in between school and gaming. Yet, my favorite games aren't MLB games. I'd rather play the sport for real.

"Trust me, Tracy, I don't either, but it is the first day, and I'm leaving in thirty minutes. Breakfast is on the table, and the shower should be open when I'm done." I said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Alright Trenton, I'll be ready, go shower." she politely kicked me out of her room. I went to the bathroom down the hall and hopped into the shower.

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