Chapter 5: Dreams Will Be Dreams

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Trenton's POV (Names from Chapter 3 will pop up again, re-read if you get lost)

After walking back home, Tracy wanted to know all the details and she freaked the hell out. Saying how much she likes me and she would be good for me. Well, I don't doubt the 'good for me' part but I've never dated before. The girls back home would shamelessly throw themselves at me and would basically say 'you can get in my pants anytime.'

No thanks, I'll keep my virginity for the right girl. Even so, the right girl might be right next door. I shook my head at the thought and returned to my game. My friends were chatting about my wellbeing and she seems like the right kind of girl for me. I rolled my eyes at the conversation. I mean, so far I've gotten a hickey, two kisses on the cheek, and she admitted I was hot. To be fair, she is very cute, but I know next to nothing about her. I specifically remember Tom rushing into a relationship and he got burned hard. It took us like a week and a half to get him somewhat normal.

"Hey guys, I'm back, what's up?" I said like I just got back, even though I was here the whole time.

"Oh, hey, Trenton, you know the girl that's hooked on you?" Brett asked.

"Yeah, what about her?" I tentatively asked.

"Well, the first Council meeting of Brohood went into effect while you were gone." Council of Brohood? The hell happened while I was gone for an hour? "We decided, Tom, Derek and I, Brett, that we deem Paige Grant..." He paused for effect, "Datable by our standards. She seems like a good girl for you." Brett finished.

"Wow, didn't know I had my own version of Tinder, thanks, guys." I joked sarcastically.

"Man, my heart hurts from that one." Brett retorted, "I can see my life flash before my eyes!" Then he promptly did a fake death noise. How did I ever become friends with them? I thought with a smile.

"Trenton! Mum and Dad are home!" Tracy shouted from the kitchen. My room is on the second floor, first door on the right, so I managed to hear her, even though my door was shut. We all have had those moments when you get hyped in a game and you just belt out curses and you're shouting as loud as possible. Not just me right? Guys normally know what I'm talking about.

"Gotta go, boys," I said as the boys said their goodbyes. I ran down the stairs to see my parents talking to Tracy.

"Hey, Mum! Hey, Dad! How was work?" I asked, curious about their jobs.

They turned their attention to me, "Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Grant are lovely people. Their daughter, Paige goes to your school. She is really pretty by the way. Speaking of, how was school?" Mum spoke and Dad had a knowing grin on his face.

My gaze slid to Tracy, "What did you say?" I said as I stepped towards her. Tracy yelped and quickly ran out of the room, leaving me with my parents. I turned towards them, "What did she tell you?"

Dad chuckled, "That Paige may or may not have a crush on you. She also left something with you." My eyes widened.

Mun interjected, "Did you kiss her?". Mum can really be blunt sometimes.

"I didn't!" I answered quickly.

Mum pointed to my neck, "Then what's that?" The hickey was exposed.

I signed, "Okay, she may or may not have given me a hickey while showing me around and I didn't want her to kiss me. I mean, she is really pretty but..."

Mum interrupted, "So, you like her?" Dad was holding back laughter. He was enjoying my embarrassment. I love my Dad, but he's being a prick right now.

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